Play Online

Internet & Web

Over a year ago I purchased Final Fantasy XI at the local Wal-mart. For a short time I played this game online before deciding I wanted to play something different. As with all my software for all the MMORPGs I have bought I kept it in case one day I wanted to give it another go. Today I thought I mgiht would try this game again. Sadly today I also learned that the $50 I spent on it is now worthless. After a year this company deletes your account completely. Once they do this your registration code that came with the disks are no longer any good as you have used them. I find this completly upsurd and rediculous. I have never had any sort of problem with any other company that put out a MMORPG. I have a ton of games I have played and stopped playing only to return later and still be able to play. They told me on the phone I would have to repurchase the game if I wanted to play it again. You have got to be kidding me... I have to BUY the game again? I already paid for the software once why should I have to buy it again. Shouldnt it always be good if I already own a copy? I guess not in this case. Its sad that companies are always trying to find new ways to get more of our hard earned money. This one just takes the cake.

Company: Play Online
Country: USA
Phone: 8587907529
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