Office Depot
Rebate offers not to be trusted ripoff

Internet & Web

On Jan 8th I purchased a laptop computer and
participated in a rebate program - $150 from office depot followed all instructions - Posted my submission promptly on Jan 10th After 90 days (April 10th) I called and was told it's in processing and that in spite of the Jan 10 post date it wasn't put into the system until late Feb.' (On their site they have the date received as 02/25. This is when THEY put the forms into their system) The CSR said that the mail comes in a big pile and they just input as they can' She listed an inquiry and I would have to wait another 10- 12 days to find out more.

I called again April 20th - I was told that the rebate was in processing and would be received in 3-4 weeks. I wait 4 weeks still nothing arrives. I call May 18th and the CSR tells me 'everything is fine with the rebate and I will receive it in 3 weeks'. It has now been 3 more week for a total of 5 months. I called today and spoke with a supervisor who said she would block and reissue and that I should see my rebate in 3-4 weeks
Yeah sure.

I am doubtful as this is what they say every time and it's clearly not true. Office Depot is not to be trusted!

Company: Office Depot
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
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