Circuit Micro
Rip-Off, Computer Fraud, Fradulent Billing

Internet & Web

This company is unbelieveable! They double charged me for a down payment on a laptop. Then had they nerve to claim that they couldnt find my name in there system when I called. How's that? If my name isnt in their system, then how did they get my money. Not to mention, they didnt have my permission to take any of my money. I can't believe their still in business doing the things that they do.

They tell you they'll call you back but they never do. I think they just sit there and look at their caller id or something because they certainly don't answer the phone. I've even tried calling their customer service number and the billing number, both are disconnected. Companies like this make it bad for companies that really try to help people.

Company: Circuit Micro
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 15751 Rockfield Blvd. # 210
Phone: 9497075817
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Circuit Micro
Ripoff Terms not as stated misrepresentation

Reservation Rewards
Monthly Billing of $12 from simple offer of rebate during checkout on an otherwise reputable site

Double billng online: Billing cycle: Billing month: Double bills customer: Computer Bug National

Circuit Micro ripoff scam fraud BEWARE computer financing

Hughes Network Systems
HughesNet Billing Practices Should Be Considered Criminal & Fraudulent

Circuit Micro
Ripoff charged 39.96 to my account without my permission

The Billing Resource, ILD Teleservices, Inc.,, Foneright, Inc
FRAUD, SCAM, Charged for services I know nothing about! Detroit

Circuit Micro Electronics
Ripoff took money from bank account for laptop will not answer phone messages or emails

Circuit City
Has struck again!

Defcon Networks LLC
Uncontactable, Suspended Services, Refunded Double Billing Mistake and lost money