Greg Waits
Web Hosting Company GTInternet Ripping people off

Internet & Web

In January of I signed up with GTInternet ( for a graphics company I am starting. I received instructions to upload the web, and everything went fine. The deal was 10MB for $5 dollars a month, I didn't need much space. There is only one guy who operates this business. Greg Waits, he is in Kentucky.

My website worked fine for 2 weeks. One day it stopped working. It said, "Page cannot be displayed". I check all the bugs on my end, and consulted with my ISP Earthlink. Eerything was fine. What happened at GTInternet, was his server went down, he claimed to have fixed it, but it didn't work, my ISP told me it was a server problem. I asked Mr Waits to help me, he said it was my problem, not his, I asked for my money back, the set up fee was $44.00. He sent me an email, saying he would repay me, but he never credited my charge account.

I have reported this to Visa and they are still looking into it. I have called Mr Waits on a number of occasions, but he is never there. Also, his website is always under construction every now and then, very strange. I would like my set up fee money back as he promised. What he is doing is this... He sets up peoples web for hosting, then he says his server crashes, when they complain he says he will cancel their membership, but he KEEPS their set up fee.

He is a liar and a rip off, I can't believe someone would do this to everyday people, please do what you can, contact me if you have any questions at work. 212-430-6380. I really want this man to stop ripping people off. Please help, thank you

Joe Cavanna

Company: Greg Waits
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
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I ordered dvds which i have not recieved or recieved updates on their status and the website has now disappeared and the email no longer works ripoff

JC Martin
Joe Cliff Martin This Man has embezzeled thousands of dollars from Mr Waits and scammed many customers

Hosting Freaks
Ripoff dishonest and fraudulent
Worst dedicated server hosting

Greg Raum
Image Folio, Lush Technologies, Biz Secure Scam, Fraud, Lyer, Steale

Pacific Host
PacificHost Ripping off with a fine and suspensions

Did not give me opportunity to cancel membership
Ripoff, swindler, took my money and ran!

Slow to Refund

Cold food, stale breadsticks, long waits this is horrilble