PC Progress
Place an order and receive the wrong merchandise you pay the return shipping cost, PC Progress rule of fairness. Ripoff

Internet & Web

Help Stop PC Progress from making you pay for their mistakes.

PC Progress listed an item on Price Grabber by description and part number. I purchased the item and PC Progress shipped a rebuilt item. Only after contacting, the Credit Card Company did PC Progress provided an RMA number. Then, PC Progress refused to reimburse the return shipping cost. The Credit Card Companies can only reimburse the original purchase price.

The BBB advice is Should you wish to pursue this matter further, we suggest you contact Small Claims Court in the state and county of the company or discuss possible legal action with an attorney of your choice. Only a few companies with these deceptive practices exist and with your participation, we can stop them.

Company: PC Progress
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Elk Grove Village
Address: 1500A Higgins Road
Phone: 8887277647
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