RIPPED ME OFF ALSO Ordered cigs in 04 got several different emails on several different things that happened to them

Internet & Web

First email dated 12-5 stating they received payment and shipment will be received. 10-21 days guaranteed.

Second email dated 12-27 Thanking me for my order and telling me it will arrive within the next few days.

Third email dated 1-4 Thanking me for my order telling me my order from 12-5 is on its way Though all items are shipped some my arrive seperatly. This time it was signed my Janel Kiamil

Fourth email dated 1-31 Stating their was delays due to the holiday season and they also had some delays due to mail inspection carried out at JFK Airport. Though they guarantee delivery within 21 days sometimes it may take over 30 days. If my order does not arrive in 60 days I will be assigned a "SUPERVISOR" and they will CONTACT ME and remedy the problem. Signed by Michelle Bond


Fifth Email dated 2-11 OVER 60 DAYS AFTER order placed no contact from SUPERVISOR this one reads.
They have reason to believe that all or part of my order was seized. And that THEIR LAWYERS are looking into the legality of it. They hope that OUR mutual efforts can bring a resolution to this matter. WHAT our Efforts all they do is keeping sending me bogus emails. This time signed by Anna Glover

Sixth Email 2-11 SAME Day informs me that they are yet to bring to a conclusion regaring IF my packages were compensated.

Seventh Email dated 2-11 SAME DAY
TElls me it is my fault and that since I agreed to their SALES Policy. THAT I am responible. Signed JAnel Kiamil

Eighth email dated 2-12
They are telling me that it was SEIZED again and that I would get notification regarding the seized along with information on how to track it.

Elena Eliades

Ninth Email dated 2-24

THis time states that I havent received them due to the holiday season. Again telling me that within 60 days I would be ASSIGNED a SUPERVISOR.

OF course didnt happened.
Signed this time by
Amber Collins

Tenth Email dated 2-25
Same exact email above signed by the same person

Eleventh email dated 2-26

Stating that it could be late due to the holiday OR du to new inspections at JFK

Signed this time

This was the last email until yesterday

I received on today

12TH email dated 3-17
That it is managament policy not to refund after 6 months from date of purchase. That they checked with the warehouse and none was returned so SHE ASSUMES they were stolen in shipment and again my problem not theirs.

Signed by Amber Collins

Each reply email I received was from me asking each time for a REFUND, All of these emails were the replies I received. EXCUSE after EXCUSEYou do not have to have a college degree to realize they were NOT SHIPPED that this company knew they were taking the money for these with no intent to ship.

I have been purchasing from another company and they have never had a problem with shipment. They even CALLED me to see if they had arrived and if they were satisfactory.

I could not get CIG4U to even return an email without it being a PRETYPED email that they use for everyone.
Get a little orginial if you plan on trying to lie to someone learn to tell the right ones with the right person

Yes I did agree on the website. But I agree to the terms you stipulated which included you actually shipping the cigarettes, which anyone who reads any of the other claims against CIG4U can see that it WAS NOT DONE.

They lied email after to email just until they could say OH you signed the agreement. I held up my end of the agreement they did not they LIED

As you can see from the emails they bounced back and fourth from excuse to excuse never staying consistent
Never supplying me with the SUPERVISOR they stated they would And supplying me with a supervisor is NOT bouncing excuses back and fourth

If you chose to buy (haha) or should I say throw your money away. Make it simple on yourself walk to your toilet and FLUSH the money away. Is the same affect as getting cheated by CIG4U

I asked repeatedly for my refund BEFORE 6 months had passed. They just strung it along until they could implement their policy I agreed to. And if they are not deceiving people they you are still a piss poor company as NONE of your shippments never arrive. I am sure there are more out there that got the shaft.

Rochester, Indiana

Company: Cig4U
Country: USA
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