Double rebate ripoff

Internet & Web

Double Ripoff! For buying RoxioToast Titanium 7 in early December '05 I was due $40 in rebates; $20 from Roxio (Sonic Solutions); $20 from MacMall for selling me the productby mail order. The redemption center was the same for both rebates (PO Box 028515 Miami. Fl 33102). I submitted everything (5 items) required to establish my late December they e-mailed me saying I did not submit one of the 5 specified items so the claim would be denied. I wrote them a letter, resubmitting the "missing" item. They did not respond. Then in early Feb.'06 I wrote them a letter and copied Sonic Solutions. Still no response from either organization. I have gotten not 1 penney for $40 the past, I've redeemed plenty of rebates without a problem. But, it is clear that this offer was a scam, in fact, a double scam. Like my Minnesota friend, I have been a good customer of Sonic Solutions over the years. But, because of this scam, my solution for Sonic Solutions is to never again buy a Roxio product. Also, I am having my doubts about MacMall and will think twice about ever doing business again with them as well.

Company: Roxio
Country: USA
State: California
City: Novato
Address: 101 Rowland Way
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Cheated on Promised Rebate

Sonic Solutions Roxio Easy LP to MP3 sold to me was defective and they will not repair or refund
It appears Roxio has been bought by another company and they want nothing to do with older Roxio software

DRI Sonic Solutions
Consumer Report

Toast Software Aka Roxio Aka Sonic Solutions
Ripoff on rebate, unable to talk 2 way with these crooks

DRI*Sonic Solutions
Consumer Report

Roxio 9 Suite
Install CDs damaged!

Fry's Electronics
Fry's Rebate Ripoff

Roxio - Sonic
Support for CinePlayer Ripoff Intermet

Roxio sells products that don't work, and then demand money to help you