Emerald Passport Business Opportunity - Jim Rivas - Profit Masters - Liberty League International
Emerald Passport Business Opportunity - Jim Rivas - Profit Masters - Liberty League, they are ripping off business opportunity suckers, work at home scam Panama City

Internet & Web

1. I worked in Emerald Passport (EPI) for 6 months and can tell you without a doubt that there is a 90% chance you will not make any money by doing it. Here Is Why:

2. Go to Google and do a search on Emerald Passport. The people who come up will all be your competitors if you decide to get involved. You may introduce someone to Emerald but then they will likely join with someone else. I did it. I was introduced to the business by one woman then decided to join under head scam man Jim Rivas. So all your marketing time, effort, & money is going up in smoke. Quite fitting for a scheme which is nothing more than smoke & mirrors anyway.

3. Speaking of scam artists, this business is so full of em the EPI roster is a veritable who's who of people not to do business with. Take EPI's poster child Jim Rivas. The guy claims he has made $800,000 doing this business. To do that he would have had to bring in roughly 500 people. Where are all these people? They aren't on his "Team" calls every day. They aren't on his live "Scam Overview" calls. They aren't on his team "training" calls. There are roughly 20 to 30 of his team members who are regularly on these calls. I'll tell you where the 500 are: Either they never existed or they came in and left after a month of seeing this "opportunity" for what it truly is.

4. Let's get to the heart of the matter. The product itself. A regurgitated Carlton Sheets real estate course and a negotiation course, Oh, and lets not forget the "Self" module, a bunch of worthless mind over matter rubbish. Folks, this junk is so poorly put together that they even go so far as to quote Ivan Boeski in their "Wealth Mastery" module. You'll find the following in their Wisdom Module - Learning From The Best:
My advice to the first-time investor is the same that I give to the young investors in my classes. Devote the same earnest attention to investing that $50,000 as you devoted to earning it. - Ivan Boesky Ivan spent 4 years in federal prison for insider trading violations. Although I'm sure he's a hero to the potato heads pushing this nonsense. The bottom line here is that most of the general information in this "course" could easily be obtained at your local library. My rough guestimate is that the product they are pushing for $1300 has a value of no more than $300 US.

5. Let me tell you from 6 months in the trenches with EPI that most of the people who get involved have no idea how difficult it is to get the average person to part with $1400. Marketing this thing is very difficult. So difficult, that most of the people you hear on the calls talking about how wonderful the product is and how much money they are making have NEVER MADE A DIME selling this product. They have invested so heavily in advertising this scam, that they stay in the game to hopefully at least get their money back. Like a gambler at the jack table down 10 large, hoping the next flipped card will at least get him less poor.

6. It's alway been my belief that a large number of these frauds are created and sustained by the people who have the most to gain by them. The suckers who enroll in them prequalify themselves to be stupid enough to buy all the "stuff" they will need to be successful. For instance this Rivas character sells his enrolees "AT COST" a steady supply of web surfer leads who viewed a movie about working from home. Guess what Rivas charges for these "Leads"? How about $20 a pop. Imagine that?
There is another arm of EPI called "Profit Masters" which supplies all "potetial entrepeneurs" the ability to have Web Pages and other "essential" business building add-ons.By the way, Profit Masters will bill you $30 per month, Visa & Mastercard accepted. Are you getting the picture folks???

7. The beauty of the internet is the speed at which it shows that the emporer has no clothes. With postings such as this throwing light on the vampires of EPI, it is no wonder their enrollment rates have slowed significantly in the last 3 months. Your potential prospects are probably going to read posts just like this one & it will be just enought to pusuade them not to join. I know many of my potential prospects did not join because of blogs. The EPI business will be that much more difficult to do with each passing month. Remember the 500 people who Rivas did not bring in. Some of them are mad as h*ll and are posting up and down and all around.

8. How quickly will EPI be shut down? EPI is not a US based company so it could go on forever, especially in it's headquarters of Panama City, Panama. Here's a little ditty about Panama from Jerome Schneider (Offshore Money Haven author and expert): "Simply put, I dislike Panama and advise you to avoid it at all costs. I have not had one experience or heard one report about the competence or integrity of any financial transactions that take place in Panama City. It seems to be a pirate's womb" A more important question to ask is: When will the attorney generals of each of the fifty states start to hear complaints about EPI. That generally happens when a fraud reaches the 10,000 person mark. Right now EPI has somewhere around 8,000 enrolled, a portion of which are outside the US. So my guess would be sometime during the next year. A big earthquake under the foundation of the US EPI group will be a "Dateline" or "20/20" investigation into the "opportunity".

9. The #'s don't lie!!! You need to speak with 50 - 75 people to bring one person into this "business". So lets do some simple math. You will have to order 100 leads, or prospects, from some lead source to talk to 50 - 75 people. Those 100 leads will cost you on average $10 per pop. So you spend $1000 to make $1000 from the person you bring into this sham. Oh but lets not forget all of your overhead: long distance, internet costs, OPPORTUNITY COSTS (for those who don't know what that is take an economics 101 course), merchant account fees, etc. Hey your in the red... But Wait It Gets Better: You don't get to keep the $2000 from the first 2 people you bring in. That goes to the person who brought you in (pass up sales). HEY THATS A GREAT FRIGGIN DEAL.

Now the A-hole who responds to this blog will say that once you get your first 2 people in (pass up sales) you get to keep the first 2 from whoever you bring in after that. HERE IS ANOTHER STAT: 75% of the people who come into this business will never bring in ANYONE. Of the remaining 25% only half will bring in 1 person, and only 1 in 10 people who come in will actually bring in their 2 people.

10. EPI and it's retarded cousin Liberty League are known in the networking industry as australian 2UP's. These maligned network marketing structures are best described by Leonard Clements in his much acclaimed book on the network marketing industry Inside Network Marketing. "Australian 2UP's are so unpopular that not one single company in Australia uses it... Something is seriously wrong with that plan".

Now if after this expose you still decide to pursue the smoke & mirrors of EPI, WAIT, give me a call: (email deleted - see below) (recognize the name?) because I have an ice castle in Arizona which I am going public with, you need to get in on the IPO.

Berkley, California

Company: Emerald Passport Business Opportunity - Jim Rivas - Profit Masters - Liberty League International
Country: Panama
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8886844213
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