Emerald Passport - 350kfromHome.com - Profit Masters
Emerald Passport, Profit Masters make $3,000. - $5,000 a month, home based business, 350k from home ripoff

Business & Finance

This company at first seemed to be legit. Saying you could make money from home in as little as 1 month& 10 to 20 hrs a week, but first you have to pay for the products up front which I really did not have alot of time to look at when getting started because its so fast paced when youi get your website up and running.

Once I paid my $1295., $99., $19.95, & other fee's I felt like I needed to commit but was not comfortable with all the fast talking mumbo jumbo. Well I got suckered in looking for a way out and not having the money to begin with so I charged everything not a wise business decistion on my part.

I have kids and I just wanted more for them especially my youngest one that has some birth deffects. We also are trying to get ahead in life and this seemed like a good choice until??? Well 90 days later and speeking to 100 people and $412.00 in advertising, $29.00 & $9.95 a month for 1800 #s, your broke and in the hole with no sales.

I pretty much was forced to lie to people to tell them how well I was dueing so they would find interst in the business and I had not sold a thing. I got with my most possative Director to find out why I had not closed anything yet to my suprise I must have talked to much.

My past history in sales has been most rewarding and never a challenge until now with all the scripts and what to say and not to say I had it down so where were the sales that I should have closed in my first month. At this point I have cancelled everything due to the cost that was hitting my charge card every month.

So for anyone looking to open a legit home based business please do not even dream about getting involved with this SCAM (Emerald Passport or Profit Masters)

Company: Emerald Passport - 350kfromHome.com - Profit Masters
Country: Panama
City: Panama City
Address: Panama City Panama
Phone: 8587802930
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