Wpi*friends Vip
Ripoff charges your account without your knowledge or a service rendered bank fees Florida Is All My Bank Knows Because I Never Signed Up

Internet & Web

Im finding all these charges that unfortunatly got past me in the recent months because I just lost my husband to a auto accident and have been grieving along with my 3 children. I deposited a $250 check from my mother-in-law to help feed my children and before I could even get the first dinner on the table Im in debt to my eyeballs with insufficient fund fees thanks to a company I still am unaware of what services they offer let alone I know I didn't authorize or seek out. I'm devestated and I have no one to help me. I have no relatives except my mother-in-law who is of modest means herself and I have 3 children to feed and shelter and because of this company I have no way of recovering.

Company: Wpi*friends Vip
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 8004374363
Site: ifriends.com
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