Movie Land
Ripoff legally bound to pay for this service because I downloaded the service no download was done I can't get this off my computer it keeps popping up is there a way to delete this from my computer?

Internet & Web

This company has appeared on my computer saying I downloaded this software and I didn't. Now I am legally bound to pay for this service because I didn't cancel during the free trial period.

I had to research this on the internet to find out about this company. This payment thing keeps popping up on my computer and I can't get it off.

Does anyone know how to remove this? It is quite annoying. I do not have all night to keep trying to get rid of this when it pops up. How did this even get on my computer?

I am not going to pay 19.95 a month for something I did not download. I didn't even know this company and it's services existed. This company is taking advantage of innocent people. There are probably some people even giving in and paying them to get this to stop popping up.

Well I am not paying for this. Please someone help me remove this from my computer. Now I am even more irritated this just popped up and took over my computer while I was writing this report.

Penn, Pennsylvania

Company: Movie Land
Country: USA
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Moviepass. tv
HAS TAKEN OVER MY COMPUTER ripoff unethical dishonest liars hijacked

Winweb Security - Meyrocorp - Cure-soft
Has invaded my computer! Pops up every few minutes! Can't be removed

Virus Bursters -
Holding computer hostage, ripoff

Wondershare Video Editor Free trial download came with adware that continues to run after the program has been removed
Consumer Report

Ripoff, didn't download, trying to make me pay

Moviepass. tv
Ripoff artists utterly annoying, filth peddlers scam and con artists

NCH software
Not known BEWARE

Movie Land - Media Pipe
Ripoffs and Scammers

Software is free but when you uninstall you have to pay or it won't uninstall!