Pinnacle Systems - Avid Technology
Pinnacle Systems, A Division Of Avid Technology dishonest no refund incompatable bug bad service fraudulent ripoff

Internet & Web

Please see the transcript below between myself and Pinnacle Systems. They have a known bug in their system that is not published to the public through their support knowledgebase, and when a customer discovers that they cannot use 2 $100 software applications on the same PC, they refuse to refund or even add features in for free. This dishonest approach to conducting business needs to be stopped!

dc: unable to burn

Discussion Thread
Response (Shaun) 11/10 12:28
Corby, again We do not ensure compatibility with other software programs you may have. And we will not be able to offer you any additional features free of charge either, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Pinnacle Support
Customer (Corby Fine) 11/10 08:27
I do not fully understand your inability to refund me for software that I cannot use in conjunction with previously purchased software due to bugs in your code? As that seems to be the case, then instead of
refunds, I would request additional features be unlocked in my system including 5.1 Dolby encoding and other menus and transitions to at least make the effort of installing/deinstalling my Nero software to use Pinnacle more valuable to me and worth the time spent on a weekly
basis. Please provide me with direction as to which extras you can give me in exchange for the pain I need to go through to use your software.


Response (Robert) 11/04 02:51

I have reviewed your case and am unable to issue a refund in this case. We do not ensure compatibility with other software programs you may have. The root of the problem is that both of these programs access your burner, using their burning engine which can cause conflicts. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Pinnacle Technical Support
Customer (Entered by Damien) 11/01 08:01
Customer is not happy that he has to uninstall Nero in order to use Studio 10. He would like to speak to someone about the possibility of getting some
kind of refund.

Customer (Entered by Brian) 11/01 10:47
tried to burn again just a 2 minute clip, it didn't burn tried to create a mpeg file and it work, it burns from files pervious it worked with with nero, it gets to make movie and sits there, update the firmware, download 10.1.
Customer (Entered by Jason) 10/31 04:41
makes it through the render phase, then hangs when trying to burn.

Question Reference #051101-000104
Product Level 1: Studio version 10
Product Level 2: Studio Plus Version 10
Category Level 1: Authoring - Burning
Date Created: 10/31 04:41
Last Updated: 11/10 12:28
Status: Solved

Toronto, Ontario

Company: Pinnacle Systems - Avid Technology
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountain View
Address: 280 North Bernardo Avenue
Phone: 6505261600
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