Dishnetwork tv, VMC satelite inc
Ripoff, lied to about contract, double billing practices for termination of service consumer fraud ripoff

Internet & Web

On the internet I order dishtv, I called ahead of time to see I there was and time limit contract. I was told no. I asked twice and was told no. The installer said there was no time contract. I cancelled the service. I went though rippoff hell with Dishtv charging my credit card numerous times and had to cancell my credit card because I am afraid that they can keep charging without cause. VMC satellie inc is not trying to collect another 290 dollars on top of the 300 dollars I already paid to dishtv through my credit card. VMC has sent a billing notice threatening me with untold credit problem in my future. Since I'm sure these asshole read these complaints. Up yours VMC and Dishtv. Anyone doing bussiness with this company really should beware they are criminal in their actions.

mongomer, Alabama

Company: Dishnetwork tv, VMC satelite inc
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Fairfax
Address: 2710 Prosperity Ave
Phone: 7032061120
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VMC Satellite inc
Ripoff, false advertise, outright lies consumer fraud ripoff

Bad service


Ripoff artists fraud

Dish Network
DishTV charges hidden fees

Support Squad
DishTV Fraud Charge

Not working my dish tv

Anderson, Crenshaw & Associates, L.L.C. / Clearlink Technologies, LLC / DISHtv
Anderson, Crenshaw & Associates, L.L.C. / Clearlink Technologies, LLC / DISH Rude, evil scamming thieves representing Dish TV, Clearlink Technoligies, who are just as evil

Directv customer reviews - Direct TV HD DVR package

Clearlink Technologies LLC DISH
Dish TV is scamming thousands with the help of Andersen, Crenshaw & Associates, LLC