Wal-Mart Connect
Ripoff Won't allow users to cancel service by using deception and fast talk.internet

Internet & Web

I have been attempting to cancel my Wal-Mart Connect account to no avail. I keep getting persons on the phone who are hard to understand at best. I cannont cancel online and have no need for the service any longer due to my computer being disabled. I explain this and I am told something to the extent of (in very fast broken english with a heavy middle eastern type accent) That I will be given credit until the 15th of the next month until I get a new computer. I explain to the person that I want to cancel completely as computers don't grow on trees and I am not made of money to just go out and buy a new one. I am then told I will be given a credit for an additional month. I again say that I want to cancel my account again I am given a barage of spoken words that are to difficult to understand. I again try to explain that I want to cancel my service immediateley. After being fast talked to again I gave up. I was told by this sevice person to go to pricewatch so I could do something to get a new computer. I guess I was not heard correctly when I said my computer was dead at the begining of our conversation. How the heck do I get online when I have no computer. If Wal-Mart service is really this way then I will just stop using all related services including the Auto Centers and the Retail Stores.

Company: Wal-Mart Connect
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8888550942
Site: wmconnect.com
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