Blue Hippo Funding

Internet & Web

Ceated financial hardship with my checking account by delaying cancellation of contract by about two weeks and to this date continue to remove fund behind an no refund policy. Have contacted and discuss situation via eletronically to an ms. Manley to which she has continued to response with the fact after several calls, and several indivdual telephone inqueries my is why the contract was not cancell within there 10 to 15 day process. I had to call them on july 28th when a fax copy which was recieved on june 30. Still to this day they are continuing to remove fund from my bank account.

Chicago, Illinois

Company: Blue Hippo Funding
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 7000 Security Blvd
Phone: 8007784018
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Blue Hippo Funding
Ripoff, Deceptive, Made unauthorized withdrawels off my checking account and were very rude when called

Hydra Financial Limited Fund II
Fraud Loan

Blue Hippo Funding
Blue hippo ripoff funding paid on time every week never recieved my free gift going on four months now

Blue Hippo Funding
NEVER buy a computer from this company THEY ARE TREACHEROUS RIPOFF

Blue Hippo Funding
Scamed robbed cheated taken for a joyless ride by a fradulent unscrupulous shady company

Blue Hippo Funding
Rip off, dishonest, fraudulent billing Windso

Hydra find I
Stealing money out of my bank account

Blue Hippo
Scam done for years now! Better buisness bureau no help!

Blue Hippo Funding
Ripoff Currently under investigation by Feds

Blue Hippo, (Blue Hippo Funding, Blue Hippo RIPPO-OFFO!
Blue Hippo, Blue Hippo Funding, Blue Hippo RIPPO-OFFO! Maybe the name should be "Green Crocodile" since TAKING YOUR GREEN $ is their game and it's such a CROC! Nationwide