Bluehippo Funding
Ripoff scamed me gateway

Internet & Web

My name is Laura Long a mother of 4 kids my husbend is dieing of liver cancer i live in Ocala Fl 5 months have paid for somthing that there not sending they tell me lie after lie why there not sening it march 21st 2005 to now they have told me in 30days 2weeks and more i have paid every week and my one time fee of $124.00 and my weekley $41.98 they tell me that my adderss is not wrong and that they cant find it and now they tell me it will be august 21st 2005 be for they ship it do to me stopping payment on them but they went a day late and got there payment i have no help i need help they tell me that now my account is canceld and i dont get my money back but they lied to me from day one till now and i feel they should pay me back the money the got for a gateway

I never got in the start they told me 30days then it was 2weeks now its i have to pay 49 per cent first what is that when i call them i get no help they tell me look you owe us ya but i was told that with my payment i would have it to work on till i paid it of like rent to own you use it and pay it off too if they wood have told me they need full payment first i would not be mad if they would have told me 49per cent first i would have under stould but i was told 30days it would be here so now it is 150 days still no gate way and out $963.60 to me that is alot of money im a woman with 4 kids and a husbun that is dieing of liver cancer my kids wanted the gateway for school and me so i could work out of the house so i can care for him but as you see i was a fool to think bluehippo would do as they said i should have went to rent to own but its to late they got the money i had for me and the kid not only are they going to lose there father but i have to work harder and more hrs to get that money back, and at 6.50hr it will take some time if you cant help me then just stop them from doing this to others like me thank you laura long Ocala fl

Company: Bluehippo Funding
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltiomore
Phone: 8007784018
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Ripoff scamed me

Blue Hippo Funding
Ripoff, THEY LIE!

Ripoff well take food from your kids just to get there money

Gateway, Hurley State Bank & E S Solutions Inc. Are bad news!

They did not deliver what was promised

Gateway Computers
Gateway & money order companies payments, abused & mistreated USA

Rent-a-center RAC, Ed
Rent A Center RAC, Ed ripoff dirty SOB's calling and harrassing people telling you that they are going to pick your stuff up

21st Mortgage Corp
21st Mortgage Ruthless, Rude, Does not care about you your family or anyone!

21st Mortgage Corporation
Rip-off, Not understanding, Money grubbing, Foreclosing for being 1 payment late and won't wait 2 days for payment!

Gateway Financial
Rightway Unethical business, avoid at all cost