Mislead Ripoff

Internet & Web

Immediately after renewing my Norton Anti-Virus subscription for $29.95 online I performed a virus scan. During the scan I was notified of a detectec virus and my browser was opened and logged into Symantec's website. The page where I was logged in informed me that I needed a particular virus removal tool which only cost $29.50 in addition to my already paid subscription renewal. Nowhere in my subscription policy was I informed of any additional charges for virus removal tools. Is this practice typical of software utilities providers, or have I been mislead? I have since removed Norton A/V and installed AVAST, which I assume is a reliable free service. Any advice?

Company: Symantec
Country: USA
State: California
City: Cupertino
Address: 20330 Stevens Creek Blvd
Phone: 4085178000
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$99.99 to remove virus that software was supposed to do

Symantec - Norton Anti Virus

System Tool
Sold by one or more online software companies, not by System Tool itself. "Lifetime" subscription to System Tool

Norton Slight of hand fraud by technician. Norton 360

Bad Service - symantec-Norton antivirus

Symantec Norton say virus is my fault, they want an extra $67 to get rid of virus. What do I pay them for?

Norton - Symantec Corporation
Norton, Norton, They wont honor subscription if you have to reload the software, virus got through norton firewall

I renewed my subscription to

Symantec Corporation

Symantec norton 360