Pantheon Holdings, Known As Internet Machine Company
Pantheon holdings known as internet machine company, pantheon kttv fox 11 news to air report in los angeles tonight

Internet & Web

On September 30th, I was interviewed by Fox Channel 11 News in my home concerning the entire EZ-link, Pantheon scam going on.

I have been informed that the segment they have put together is scheduled to air tonight at 10:00 pm Califonria time on Channel 11 for those of you who live in the California area. This is barring no late breaking news reports that might bounce the air date back a few days. If all goes to plan, it should air tonight within the first half hour of the late night news report.

If you miss the report or can not see it given your location in the States, you might give Fox 11 News a call to get a copy of the report once it airs, either transcript or Video/DVD.

I will be included in the interview and did my best to speak on behalf of all of us who have been badly hurt by this whole fiasco. The interview was 40 minutes, but we should all know they will only use portions of the taped interview.

If all goes well, this report stands to go nationally if the affiliates take interest, pick up the segment and air it.

Just so you know, I did call Pantheon's customer service number at (800) 909-3750 on March 1st and was told by Doreen that I was on their computer for delivery of my machine, but that the machines were on back order with Emink here in California. That was a little over two months ago.

I then talked with a fellow named Scott at the same number yesterday and was told the machines were still on back order and that he would keep in contact with me as they were expecting a back order fulfillment within the next two weeks.

I then spoke with Justin Chen at Emink a little while ago, who I questioned thoroughly asking if he knew about a back order from Pantheon. He said he knew of no such back order pending.

I then refreshed his memory telling him that they did try to deliver a machine to me last October 28th at 12:49 pm via Federal Express and that I had talked to him at that time, along with Giovanni Mastranomi, the territory locator that had been assigned to me and that I did not accept shipment, since they had promised a site location for the machine. When I asked Justin what they had done with the machine that had been ordered with my $20K, which I had refused shipment on until a location was found (which never was found) he said it had been assigned to someone else.

I told him that, that was grand theft. He agreed, but said that they were stuck in the middle of the whole mess with Pantheon and did not want to be involved in any of this to begin with.

Well, I finished telling him that he should watch the Channel 11 10:00 o'clock report as Emink would no doubt be in the News tonight along with Pantheon. He surprisingly said; "We will!".

Anyway, I want you folks to know about this, to pass the word along so that after the segment airs, you each will have the chance to get on the phone to Fox and get the number of their affiliate stations to encourage them to pick up the News segment with the hope that the entire country will learn what has been going on.

It's the best God in his wisdom has placed in my hands to date and this will give each of you a chance to fly with a new door opening, in addition to the story that broke in New York within the past week. If all of you use this properly, it may give all of us a tool to put more pressure on these people to go to their bank accounts, knock off the bullshit that they don't have the money, pull out their check books and give us back our money, but it will take everyone getting on the phone after the segment airs to help promote the report.

Let's see what you all do wtih this?

Company: Pantheon Holdings, Known As Internet Machine Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 11645 Biscayne Boulevard
Phone: 8009093750
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