Ripoff provides internet webhosting for libeloius websites

Internet & Web, the Internet service provider that hosts the fraudulent website has now allowed their customer Rosemarie Zizzo to not only continue to post libelous and false accusations on her own website but has allowed her to put up a mimic of another cat breeder's websites in that breeder's registered name. This website has been posted for one reason only, to slander and libel the breeder Zizzo has been pursuing for several years.

We think this is an extremely childish response on Zizzo's part but when was contacted the young man answering the phone thought the complaint funny and refused to give any information on how to file a complaint or who to contact. He also refused to give out any email addresses for someone to contact at this organization.

Just more of their irresponsibly to their clients and to the world of customers surfing the sites they host. has been repeatedly advised of the libeloius content of Zizzo's site and they refuse to do anything about it stating that they do not monitor their customer's sites and that they believe in free speech. We are left wondering if they have any idea about the laws governing libel. We also wonder if they realize that they are promoting Zizzo's stalking and harassment behavior.

We have sent a written complaint to's physical address, to the state attorney general and to the FBI who handles Internet fraud., libel is not freedom of speech, your policy of irresponsibility has caused great harm to some and distress to others. Be ready to accept the consequences of your actions.

Company: Netzon
Country: USA
State: California
City: Hemet
Address: 539 E. Florida
Phone: 9516581600
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Netzon - Rosemarie Zizzo -
Netzon ripoff complicit in acts of libel, misrepresentation, and fraud perpetrated by Rosemarie Zizzo &


Internet server ripoff knowingly permits libel by its clients

Zizzo And The Government ripoff Rosemarie Zizzo and her fraudulant organization evades taxes

Shar-Dew Cattery And Rosemarie Zizzo
Ripped off public by selling kittens without papers, and dumping her cats at a kill shelter claims to advocate the rights of pedigree "kittys" Beaumont

Rosemarie Zizzo, Pedigree Cat Breeders
Rosemarie Zizzo, Pedigree Cat Breeders Society Used unfortunate situation for her own benifit trying to completely destroy reputations in the process

Pedigree Cat Breeder's Society Organization
Pedigree Cat Breeder's Society ripoff Organization rips off the public by fraudulently representing themselves as a quasi-official organization when in fact, it does not exist

Rosemarie Zizzo
DBA Cat Breeders Complaints website aka internet harassment, CAT-BUYERS -
Internet Predator, cyber-stalker/bully

RoseMarie Zizzo, DBA
A victory for victims of Zizzo's harassment!