William Hopkins
Ripped off on Ebay by

Internet & Web

On December 2 I purchaed a Microsoft X-box on ebay (# 1303991140.

I never heard from him after he cashed my money order for $546.38). I've reported him to the BBB. FTC, post office, my local police dept., and Ebay. Nothing. I've e-mailed him alomst every other day (excorsist3@Aol.com). I need help because I cannot afford to lose this money. I'll answer any questions you have.)

Company: William Hopkins
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Schenectady
Address: 612 Union St. 8 Garden Apartments
Phone: 5152567120
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William F. Hopkins
William f hopkins auction fraud of Schenectedy

William Hopkins Purple GameCube and Game
I got ripped of by Paid for but not shipped

William Leinen, eBay Momxsfive
William Leinen (eBay Momxsfive) William Leinen Defrauded me $5140.00 that I paid for a motorcycle. He had for sale on ebay. Haven't heard from him since I paid him Ripoff

William manuel
Consumer Report

MariesCDs@aol.com - JayandMarie@aol.com
MariesCDs@aol.com JayandMarie@aol.com Ebay Power Sellers Rip Off Scam Artists They cashed my money order for merchandise and reported me for non payment

Lukas M Palys
Ripoff sent money recieved nothing ripoff artists fraud

Ripoff, No Customer Service I was ripped off by an Ebay member and Ebay would not help or even respond to me

William Bournias, Jr. - Quicksellit - Ebay
William Bournias, Jr. - Quicksellit Agreed to sell 24 dolls on EBay, I never got 11 of the dolls back OR the money ripoff

EBay Purchase Protection Financial Department
Consumer Report

Consumer Report