Lease Comm
Ripoff sold me a computer that broke a month later and never replaced it

Internet & Web

Lease comm and a company working with lease comm call ima sold me a computer that broke a month thier contract they promise the followig, i was supose entittled, to full benfits of warranty including the limited life time parts warranty and home services if i remaine in good standing. I i was paying them until the computer broke and they gave me the run around, when i call them. They gave a number to a company call comp.

When i call the company they told me they had noting to do with lease comm. When i call lease comm back a rep laugh and told me i had to pay them back 5000. They also offer me hardware upgrades at no cost. At 18 months a cpu-at 30 months a ramup grades-at 42 months hard drive up grades, well i got nothing. The only thing i got was a loan of 5000. Which i am stuck with and a ruine credit report, i think is time for very in this site to complain to the following site ftc. Gov/ro/leasecomm/index.htm on the ripoff site i understand there are 146 complain will very one is time together and coplain to ftc, enough is enough, i alreadly put in my complain, remeber www.ftc. Gov/ro/leasecomm/index.htm good luck to all.

Company: Lease Comm
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Woburn
Address: 10M Commerce Way
Phone: 8004808533
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