TigerDirect OnRebate.com
TigerDirect.com Free Rebate Scam With OnRebate.com TigerDirect & OnRebate.com Free bait scam with denied rebate ripoff West Flagler St. Miami

Internet & Web

TigerDirect.com and OnRebate.com which are sister companies bait you with a FREE on-line offer, then deny your rebate to collect $.

First having trouble processing rebate on-line, then after mailing in info was told I would not get the rebate. Have been told to call in during my working hours. Am not getting a response via e-mail. TigerDirect order numbers E0819781.

Ultra-Cord 50-inch Retractable RJ-45 (Network) Cable

In a message dated 1/20 7:18: 11 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, support@onrebate.com writes:

Your email requesting assistance from OnRebate.com has been received and entered into our tracking system as ticket ID: ELO-84201-198 You will receive a response from a representative within 72 hours.

If you have any further questions, you may reply to this ticket
confirmation by clicking on "reply" in your email client.

Note, Your email address of is used to track your correspondence. If using a different email address, please be
sure to include your ticket ID of ELO-84201-198 in your email.

Your recorded email: Please inform what document was insufficient.

Intend to complain to bait and switch practice.

In a message dated 1/19 2:54: 44 P.M. Eastern Standard

Your rebate status has been updated!
Your rebate for: $3 Rebate On The RJ-45 Ultra Cord has been processed.
Your new status is: DENIED

You will receive no further update on this rebate.

If you have any questions regarding this decision, please send an email to
status@onrebate.com and refer to tracking number: MTLWUD7YSWPZSYLP


Company: TigerDirect OnRebate.com
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 7795 West Flagler St., Suite 35
Phone: 8008008300
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OnRebate rebate ripoff

Tigerdirect Onrebate
Tigerdirect On rebate Ripoff fraudulent rebate

Tigerdirect Rebates ripoff, TigerDirect Rebates

Rebate check scam! Ripoff

OnRebate.com, TigerDirect
Rebate ripoff

TigerDirect.com - OnRebate.com
TigerDirect.com rip-off! They use OnRebate.com who refuses to provide rebate promised

TigerDirect And Onrebate.com
Rebate Scam The rebate check bounced and now I'm out $70!

OnRebate.com, AKA TigerDirect.com fraudulent rebate offers used to bait customers!

Tigerdirect.com Onrebate.com
No rebate payment after 4 months approval Onrebate.com Internet

Claimed UPC was missing Re-sent UPC still no response