Pantheon Holdings - Internetmachine123 - EZlink
Forced me to lose my home of 40 years. Scam. Rip-off. Vultures!

Internet & Web

Well, ladies and gentleman, here is the latest victim, the latest SUCKER to lose it all by trusting someone.

I have been researching anything Pantheon on the net today. I'm so very depressed over what I am seeing. I "should have" done this research BEFORE burning FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS.

If you look at what David of Houston, Texas submitted on the 10th of January that is exactly what I'd have written, the same names and complaints.

I so stupidly thought to myself "wow, this is a wonderful opertunity to make some good money, both for myself and for Pantheon. So, after "thinking it over" for a while, I decided to REFI the home my father left me, the one I had NO payments on, and would still be living in quite comfy today had I not been swindled by our EVIL friends at EVIL Pantheon.

At the end of November I called and verbally agreed to join forces with them. I immediately, like all of you, wired them THIRTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS, than w a i t e d, and w a i t e d, and w a i t e d still more. Than on the 07th of December, after hearing nothing from anyone else at Pantheon, Mr. Kuba, now Mr. Whoknowswho, called me and offered me (pay close attention California investors) FIVE machines placed at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) if I could just give him a further commitment, MORE cash in other words. I explained to him that, yeah, I have another 10k to my name, however, that is to carry me over and pay all my bills until my machines are installed and start bringing in an income. He (Mr. Kuba) told me, "Eric, if you can make a commitment to me today, I will place FIVE machines at LAX for you and we'll work out the details later, I think that'll put a smile on your face, all you have to do is "bite the bullet for 30 days".

I eventually agreed and immediately wired them another TEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, anyone with half a brain would agree, five machines at LAX would be nice, what better a location could you have?

Well, now that I've done this research, I see that I have been f'd over BIG TIME, and now am looking forward to losing my home, the only home I've ever known.

Like a baby, I've been crying uncontrollably all too often since finding this out.

I currently have a call into Carmel Cafiero at channel 7 news in Miami, as she already did an article on internet kiosk scams. I have much info, I've been calling everyone I can think of, even the State Attorney Generals office, that of Charlie Crist, they have, as of today, the 27th of January... 33 phone calls, 4 letter, and the letters all from the month of December and numerous e-mails all in reference to Pantheon.

I can go on and on and on and on, however, what I wish, I doubt will happen, and that is for the moderators of this board to allow any and all of you to contact me via email at EffedByPantheonATHotmailDOTCom. So that we may compare notes and attempt to file a A CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST THESE DEMONS.

However, if any of us think we will get a penny back, DREAM ON.

Company: Pantheon Holdings - Internetmachine123 - EZlink
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 11645 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 201
Phone: 8005072004
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Pantheon Holdings
Scam artists, mafia, mob embezzlers frauds the devil at work

Fraudulant and false promises and failure to deliver working product


Panteon, EZLink, MegaPath, New Edge Technologies, Cliff Robertson, Ernest Bourgnine
Ripoff Miami, Los Angeles, Los Angeles

Pantheon Holdings, Dba Internet Machine123
Pantheon Holdings Dba Internet Machine123 ripoff

Pantheon - Ezlink
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Pantheon Holdings
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent advertising of the kiosk capabilities/support

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Pantheon, Internet Machine Company ripoff

Pantheon Holdings, Internet Machine Company
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Pantheon Holdings - ripoff