Popescu Mihai Viorel
Ionescu Viorel I have been ripped $460 for a Sony laptop using Amazon.com.internet

Internet & Web

I too have been ripped off by a person in Romania using one of his or her various names Ionescu Viorel, Popescu Mihai Viorel before almost purchasing a similar item from

I believe the same person using a different name or a person in "cahoots" with him or her going by the name Marius Vasilicus as I have read about others being ripped off by persons with similar names. All I can say is never, repeat never buy anything from Romania or a distant country that may be hard to track down because I am now out of $460 I could have paid a ticket with.

I do blame Amazon.com for ot screening their sellers better and reading the content that they broadcast on public announcement boards for the seller announced that he required payment thru Western Union which is not accepted at Amazon.com and now I know and it was not thru a private e-mail. Amazon told me there was no way to recover my money without anything else said so much as to have any sympathy for the situation.

Company: Popescu Mihai Viorel
Country: Romania
State: Other
Address: Romania
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Ionescu Viorel
Romania Sony Laptop Scam. Ebay use

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The seller nightmare on Amazon.com = underestimated shipping charges=seller screwed

Consumer Report

Arthur Kirkland
Consumer Report

Benefits from stolen goods