Unusual Business Practice from Rackspace

Internet & Web

I just canceled my Rackspace hosting account. My account was charged over $600 in one month and it is normally no more than $30 a month. Apparently, my site was compromised and the hacker instructed the server to flood other servers. I had my site created and coded originally from scratch. The account manager stated I still owed the $600 because it is in my agreement and my site was a bad site. So, basically, no matter if you have a good site or bad site and it is hacked, you owe for the usage even if the usage was not what you intended it to be.

This is outrageous. Even the best sites are hacked, so do they too pay for the usage that is not intended? No bank would ever charge its customers if their credit or debit cards were or cloned and items were purchased without the customer's authorization. So, why should Rackspace be any different?

I sent a letter to Rackspace to notify them of their unfair business practice. I am sure it will not matter with Rackspace or anyone else. But, this report is to let everyone know, if it happened to me, it could happen to you.

Company: Rackspace
Country: USA
State: All Country
City: Windcrest, Texas
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