Ripoff-fraudulent billing for service that I never requested, never received

Internet & Web

My phone bill from frontier contained charges from Integretel Inc. ($29.90) I had no idea who this was, or what it was for. I phoned frontier and they referred me to the 800-736-7500 phone for Integretel.
I phoned that number and the operator told me I had requested a "FmlyDisNetMo" service on July 26th. She said that I had received free airline tickets, (I did not.), and had received discount coupons for a number of varied services. (I had not.)

The operator claimed that I had requested these via the internet, and suggested that I check other people in the house that may have done it. (It is only my husband and myself, and we didn't request any such service.)
I demanded that my name be removed from their list. I also demanded reimbursement for the billing. We'll see what happens now.

Company: Integretel
Country: USA
Phone: 8007367500
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Ripoff charged for a service that I never requested for but a service that never existed

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