Adam Ginsberg International
E Bay courses - do not buy from this company

Internet & Web

Adam Ginsberg presented a course at the #Success Summit held in Sandton In March. He gives a very good presentation and promises to be able to teach you how to make money selling goods on the internet. However his staff never come back to you to answer your queries and after weeks of chasing they are rude and abrupt. Webinars and training videos whch are supposed to be watched before attending the seminar fail to load, and the #AGIsupport website also fails to load. After many emails to the one email contact I did have and no responses, I was told that if I had logged my complaint on the AGI support site I would have got an answer. Well, I couldnt do that because it didnt work. I was finally told today that I should have been using Google Chrome to access it, and not internet explorer or Google. It is now way to late for me to prepare effectively for the seminar which is planned for the end of the month. I also had been asking about the venue for the seminar as I would need to arrange accommodation. This is still not forthcoming. I have requested a refund and have received only rudeness and a refusal. I have now googled him and found lots and lots of similar complaint

Company: Adam Ginsberg International
Country: USA
State: All Country
City: USA
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Adam Ginsberg International
No refunds

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Adam Ginsberg International
Consumer Report

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