& & & copyright infringement, ripoff of website contents

Internet & Web

I have a problem with my privacy being interferred with. I added Jay's and my cousin's names to places in which I thought were safe memorial sites... Sort of like going to the cemetery... They are copyrighted sites. The information there is written by ME. I own the copyright! How can someone who does not even know the vicitims of this tragedy, possibly claim a copyright to their names?!

This site butted right in there and took my loved one's names without permission or my knowledge... That is sort of like taking their head stones.

Private memorials... Written by survivors are just that. Private... They were not written or made to be taken, borrowed, copied or stolen. This site has no right to them.

I have demanded that they be removed but I do not even get a response from the site owner.

Sure the memorials on the net, are on a public forum. Most cemeteries are public also. So does that give someone the right to take a headstone from one grave and place it on another grave? I think not! It's the same thing, only a different format.

We have the right to our privacy in our grief and to feel that on a copyrighted site, that our privacy would be safe and our loved one's would be safe from name harvesting. Our privacy has been severely invaded and taken from us.

If you look further, he gives no credentials or information that he has lost a loved one to suicide... He just says that he has worked 30 years with the suicidal. He doesn't say if he worked as a counselor, a a psych hospital orderly, or the night janitor in a mental health clinic? Who knows?

If he worked with the suicidal for 30 years, surely, he must have known some victims names he could have used that we would have no frets over. Or is it that he was so good at what he did, he never lost any of the suicidal people?

I only know that he has not taken anyone's feelings into consideration but his own... What is his true agenda?

His motives appear to be to promote his hosting service and the other businesses. If this was not true, why would he link to porn and gambling sites? Gambling is one of the societal problems that can lead to suicide.

He has as many of these questionable links pages as he does in all of his original site pages!

The problem with this is that his web hosting service and the other businesses on his links list have the potential to make money on our lost loved one's. He uses suicide and our loved one's information to draw people to the site.
All of the businesses are accessible from every one of the pages...

He took, without my permission or knowledge, the numbers that me and others worked so hard to
locate... We emailed all over the world for those numbers and had to wait for them to come back. I know he ripped them off because of the format they are written in... If he wanted them, he should have asked or done the same work that we did to get them.

Company: &
Country: USA
State: California
City: Chula Vista
Address: P.O. Box 502
  <     >  

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