Premier Premium - USBI
Fradulent phone billing hijacking modem

Internet & Web

Premier Premium charged us for a call made to 44 207 335 84 to the United Kingdom at a time when no one was home. My husband and I have no long distance service and we have a block on our phone for long distance. I have researched this company and others who have filed complaints against them. It is all the same scenario.

A call is made from your computer that has been hijacked to the above number. And a bill is sent to you and to your phone company. DO NOT PAY! This kind of victimizing is ridiculous. We have to fight back against people terrorizing our computers. First we have to file complaints with as many local and federal organizations as possible. Then we need to band together to make sure this stops for good. If you want to help me in ending this modem fraud please respond to this report. If all the victims of this type of fraud speak out, then the authorities have to listen and take action.

Company: Premier Premium - USBI
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: PO Box 155579
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