Soyo, Tiger Direct
Ripoff rebate fraud

Internet & Web

During August I purchased several SOYO computer products advertised as having rebates. Prepared and processed rebate forms in accordance with instructions and according to dates as required. Items purchased envolved a total of 7 different forms and a total amount of rebate of $325.00 As of todays date 12-27-04 have not received a word or a single rebate.

I have checked on their website and they show rebates for 2 submissions as being approved. The other 5 submissions are not listed and for those approved there is no indication as to when rebated will be paid out.

Attemps to get help from TigerDirect has been a waste of time.

This whole rebate process is a joke. Some hungry trial lawyer need to begin a class action and make these frauds live up to their obligations. This whole process is hopeless.


Company: Soyo, Tiger Direct
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 1142 S. DIAMOND BAR BLVD
Phone: 8008884437
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