Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff help NEWS MEDIA offer by BBB

Internet & Web

I received a call today from the BBB of Fort Worth wanting to know if I would be willing to be interviewed by the National Media about the complaints against PPC. Of course I would and so should every single one of you that took the time to file a complaint.

Although my bill is only for $60 that is a lot of money for me. I feel for all of you out there that received bills from this scamming company.

Please, if any of you get a call from BBB asking you to make a statement against this company DO IT!!! It will not only benefit you, but the rest of the people that have been ripped off.

*Also wanted to update that after 4 emails to PPC, they finally emailed me back with their automated response so many others have gotten. "I have issued you credit on your bill, you do not owe anything and no further collection actions will occur. GEORGE" I guess they think if they issue some people credit that the investigation against them will go away. I'm not giving up on the fight, because if it's not them scamming it will be another "company".

Company: Premier Premium Communications
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: PO Box 155579
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