My Diet Patches
MyDietPatches ripoff fooled me, stole from me, lied to me, and ripped me off

Health & Medicine

I ordered the free sample of the diet patches just to see what they were about. Once I got the package I saw that if you wanted to lose under 10 pounds not to use the patch. I decided not to try them since I only needed to lose a couple of pounds.

I also saw in small letters that they automatically send you a 30 day supply. I called immedialty and cancelled the order. They told me that they never just send them anyway so I really didn't need to cancel but, I did anyway.

The next week I got a package with the 30 day supply. I was also charged $169.00. I called up very upset wondering why I got them and that I needed my money back immediatley. I'm in college and I have to eat. They told me to send them back and they would return my money within in 15 days.

Well, I don't have my money and they have their patches. I was ripped off. I will make sure I get my money and I would also like to sew them. I can't beleive a company could have such low morals. And I didn't even use them!!!

Massapequa, New York

Company: My Diet Patches
Country: USA
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My diet patches
Mydietpatches ripoff, overcharge, wouldn't cancel autoship after free sample when canceled on time

Ripoff diet garmanwd
Ripoff do not order my diet

Diet Patch Today
Consumer Report

My Diet Patches
Rip-off! I am wondering how they can say it is a free sample, and then rack on charges a few days later

My Diet Patches

My Diet Patches

The Original Diet Patch
ABPBT ripoff

Diet Patch
I purchased the free one week supply of the diet patch received it but then charged me for a 3 month supply that i didnt want Tinley Park illinois

My Diet Patches
Ripoff fraudulent operation