Paces Dentistry
The Absolute Worst Dentist in Atlanta

Health & Medicine

Paces Dentistry is the worst and most unprofessional company that I have ever worked with in my entire life. My fianc decided to purchase a Groupon for Invisalign from Paces Dentistry. Paces Dentistry agreed to make a pay by month thing seeing as we could not just pay the $3000 up front. Of course, they always make us aware that they were nice enough to work with us. We bought the Groupon and went in for the first visit.

She went in May and had her pictures taken and they told her they were going to send the pictures off and in 6 weeks the aligners would be there and she could start the process. She went back 6 weeks later (after taking time off of work) expecting to pick the aligners up and it turns out they had forgotten to send the pictures off They tried to lie about it and say that invisalign was backed up but then they finally admitted they hadnt gotten the pictures out. They said they would submit the pictures to invisalign over the internet immediately and it should only take about 2 weeks to get in.

My fianc called two weeks later and the lady at the front desk, once again, had an attitude and said it takes several weeks for the aligners to come in. So instead of it being 2 weeks, she had to wait about another 5 weeks to get the starting set of aligners. We were told that insurance would cover $1,000 and we would be left with a balance of $2000. My fianc and I talked it over and we decided that we would make it work because it was important to my fianc to straighten her teeth for our upcoming wedding.

They are extremely unprofessional when it comes to responding to correspondence. My fianc has sent them SEVERAL emails without a receiving a response back (or it would be weeks later). She has left the office voicemails and they only seem to get back to her when or if its convenient for them. Paces Dentistry does NOT care about their customers! They rope you in with deals and then they feel like they can screw you over. Their customer service is abysmal. The front office receptionist is rude and does not know how to do her job.

Paces Dentistry is luring customers in with the Groupon and then cheating them out of money! When my fianc went in for her first visit she was FORCED to undergo a deep cleaning that was never discussed prior to us agreeing to the deal. Then we get a bill for the cleaning even though we stated that the cleaning was not necessary because she had her teeth cleaned recently. Paces Dentistry insisted on the cleaning, but NEVER told us that the cleanings would not be covered by our insurance.

They conveniently left that information out! In fact, they made it seem like insurance was going to cover the cleanings. We have been waiting to hear from Paces Dentistry in regards to insurance, but havent heard a thing. The receptionist said she would let me know as soon as she heard something, but she never did. We just received a HUGE bill! It is unbelievable how Paces Dentistry operates their business! When Paces Dentistry called us about our new bill, that we had no idea about, they were EXTREMELY rude!

They could not give us ANY details on the bill because the receptionist said quote she doesnt have time to sit on the phone with me for 20 minutes... She said she had been sending the bills to my fiancs email account, but when we asked her what email address she had been sending it to and she COULD NOT give us an answer! She then said the she didn't have time to go through her sent folder. My fianc has two email accounts and we have checked both. NOT ONE EMAIL ABOUT A BILL!

She then tries to say that she has been sending the bills to my fiancs mothers home. Her mother informs us that she has not received ONE piece of mail from Paces Dentistry! This is a HORRIBLE establishment and I want to let anyone who is thinking of using Paces Dentistry to BEWARE! They do NOT care about you, they only care about milking you for every nickel they can.

It is unethical, immoral and down right WRONG! I wish now that I had read some of the reviews before we got involved with them. Please, take your hard earned money to a dentist that cares about you and wants the best for you. You will NOT find that at Paces Dentistry!

Company: Paces Dentistry
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 3200 Downwood Circle Northwest
Phone: 4043551150
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