Bonro Medical Inc
Bait & switch for seniors, medicare misrepresentation, generally sleazy business

Health & Medicine

Bonro medical advertises a vacuum ED device on TV and in the AARP magazine. The ads all state clearly that medicare will pay for the device, and no actual price appears anywhere in the ad. On the website or on the order form, there are options to either pay the full price ($195), or file through insurance or medicare - no price is quoted. I ordered the device, which was delivered within 7 days, no invoice attached. This was reasonable, I thought, as it was covered by Medicare. TWO MONTHS later, a bill arrives for $198.

The mystery cost of the item is now stated at $495, of which Medicare paid $297, leaving a balance of $198 for me to pay. That is the full, normal OTC price, PLUS the $297 from Medicare. I called Bonro and was informed that all the amounts were fixed. When I suggested that I return the item, I was informed that this could only be done within 30 days. Conveniently, the first bill was sent out after 60 days. So these sleazes charge $195 for their product, and charge Medicare $297 as well... Beware... Bonro refuse to adjust my bill, and have stated that they will hand me over for collection. See you on court, sleazes...

Company: Bonro Medical Inc
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Evans
Address: 4490 Washington Rd
Phone: 7062104747
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Life quality health care solutions, llc
Life quality pharmacy abusive fraudylent scams

Rite Aid Drug Store
Wrongful medication billing

AARP Medicare RX Enhanced
United Healthcare For Jan and Feb I paid $13.47 each month for a RX today I paid $32.99. I called Medicare and checked AARP RX internet and the price is $13.47, I was basically told tough luck they are not changing

Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Unethical Practice

Humana Gold. Humana Canceled my Medical Insurance without warning

Freedom Chriopractic
Asking for copay, when I have full supplemental, meaning NO copay. Told supplemental would reimbuse me. Called Ins Co, they said monies NEVER come to me. So, they now have my copy, paid by me, this is

Liberty Medical Supply
Can't bill insurance or medicare correctly then holds the customer responsible

Medicare Advantage/AARP
Consumer Report

American Medical Response
Will not contact me to discuss an improperly coded bill to Medicare for $1200.00 and are now threating to send to collections

Bad experience!