Super Beta Prostate
Ageless Male FRAUD!

Health & Medicine

Folks. The best way to avoid being ripped off by these scum is to NEVER order anything advertised on Television. If you are one of those who are willing to spend hard earned money on something which is too good to be true, get a pre paid Visa card with just enough to place your order. This will eliminate the bottom feeders from charging you three times the advertised price and will never allow them to place you on the famous "Auto Ship" program which you will never receive a refund or be released. Use some good old common sense. Just don't do it! Money is too short these days and you don't need the aggravation of dealing with crooks.

Company: Super Beta Prostate
Country: USA
State: New York
Phone: 18007112401
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Super Beta Prostate by New vitality

Ageless Male
Consumer Report

New Vitality
Ageless Male Won't Refund Money

Southbeach Supplements LLC
Missleading Advertisement - Said Free sample - called to say they are charging me for the free sample

Wax Vac
The company advertises Wax Vac for $10.00 plus $6.99, however, the total charge was over $50.00 for just one. Further if you place an order, the website immediately disappears so one cannot printout advertised price, 3 confirmations, ship different part than in AD
Super Beta Prostate Product is a total Rip-Off, another vitamin scam preying on elderly men

New vitality
Ageless male / male matrix fradulant claims, for health benefits, and money back guarantee

Ageless Male
Consumer Report

Tri Square Technologies Air Dish is for the birds