Great Treatment by On-Call Pharmacist

Health & Medicine

This is not a complaint; this is praise! Please make sure to commend Ms. Blair on her exemplary help. I called, because I am taking a new medication, and I'd run out. My concern was that, if I didn't find a 24-hour pharmacy, that I would perhaps put myself at risk, due to the new-ness of the medicaqtion. Calling the scrip's contact number, I was told that the pharmacist on call would call me back. That was Ms. Blair. She called within 5 minutes (9pm), and she gave me so much time! She helped me to reason things out, in regard to what my sanest and safest option would be. She gave me loads of time, AND she also told me more about the medication, the side effects and how the data generally compared to an earlier version of it. She was friendly and patient. I felt totally reassured, and I learned something. Tomorrow I see my Dr., and I am very excited to tell him about how much Ms. Blair helped me and how much more informed I am, now that she talked to me. Of course, it doesn't hurt that she assured me that the medication would not make me grow three heads...

Company: ExpressScripts
Country: USA
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