Governor John Kasich
Abusive treatment of women physicians at State Medical Board, licenses taken for objecting too much to admittedly bad care (reporting it), fractures left uncasted, experimentally casted

Health & Medicine

Governor Kasich thinks that it's ok to abuse women MDs - who don't get degrees for kicks or easily. Male MDs are abusive with language, offers, and then care in Ohio - it's boys being boys. Women's fractures are left uncasted to 'ripen' in Ohio - and the Board allows this or thinks that you should get therapy to handle it. Dr. Resnick goes along with this VIOLENCE.

Dr. Phillip Resnick MD, internationally known forensic psychiatrist - known for his assessment of 'violence risk' will be apointed expert and the women MD forced to go speak with him - psychiatric rape that he can't fathom as he is the physician forcing himself on another and it's so he can 'cover' it up with the boys. He can't recognize another psychiatrist's work - just his own. The violence has already been done - the woman's arm was broken once by neglect of a thyroid condition and twice because of the poor care of the original fracture - Dr. Lafferty at University Hospitals couldn't order a TSH and thyroid antibodies - the woman MD just had 'problems with men' - not thyroid - but he couldn't be bothered to check.

The violence is in the care at University Hospitals where Dr. Thomas Stellato will do a procedure, cause nerves to be inflamed - then he can't diagnose the nerve inflammation and do conservative care - he schedules another surgery. But his office manager can't sent out the papers about where to show up and when - she blames you that you 'stood up Dr. Stellato.' If Dr. Stellato could diagnose abdominal wall nerve inflammation and conservatively treat, or repair abdominal fascia that another surgeon has butchered, he would be CHIEF - but he can't and neither can Dr. Rosen or Dr. Ponsky - because a Jewish surgeon did the butchering at Mayo Clinic - because he didn't understand abdominal wall pain - Dr. Michael Sarr's abuse. Jewish surgeons, and program Directors, are some of the most abusive MDs to women MDs. Dr. Stellato has spent a lifetime doing bariatric surgery - which leave all kinds of neuropathies, peripheral and other, over a lifetime - micronutrient deficiencies which are never followed. But it's the abuse of the men that's the problem - Dr. Resnick's colleagues.

The violence is in his own guys at University Hospitals - Dr. Keith will beat a woman patient up when his experimental cast doesn't work. The woman MDs arms - both - now have no strength. The arm that was experimentally casted - unnecessarily - broke again after 6 months of reflex sympathetic dystrophy - an unheard of complication unless there is ABUSE. Abuse which Dr. Resnick can't see in his colleagues; it's abusive - and violent - to take a woman physician's license for 19-20 years for objecting to admittedly wrong care - unheard of in any other state. It's not the woman MDs violence that is the problem here - but the men MDs - his friends - are never evaluated. Dr. Nice casts when he feels like it, Dr. Kieth does experimental and then gets abusive verbally when it doesn't work, Dr. Suppes drinks excessively in front of women MDs, Dr. Carla O'Day objects to violence done to herself but then wants it done to others so that they go through what she has, Dr. Botti just likes to put one over on women - women smarter than his son MD.

Dr. Botti does a program in Legal and Ethical Issues in Mental Health - but the violence is at University Hospitals of Cleveland - has been for years - screaming at women trainees, etc. There's no lingering or deception, the bones will break if thee is no improvement in care, behaviors, and policies at the State Medical Board. Tragic waste. And if the Health Insurance is taken before a diagnosis is made to blame the woman MD - there's no way to pay Dr. Resnick fees. Rorschachs were cheated on, a diagnosis that didn't exist was used - and Dr. Resnick goes along with the fraud.

Internationally Ohio medical care and Dr. Resnick are nothing but fakes.

Company: Governor John Kasich
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 77 South High Street, 30th Floor Riffe Center
Phone: 6144663555
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