Governor John Kasich
Richard Whitehouse Esq suspend medical licenses of women MDs who disagree with admitted wrong care, and cheating on testing, done to themselves for bad physician stats - confidential complaints, fracture care by orthopedics

Health & Medicine

The State Medical Board takes women MD licenses in Ohio when they object to the wrong orthopedic care, by someone not trained or certified in that care - orthopedics that Blue Cross/Blue Shield won't pay/reimburse for the care. If bc/bs won't reimburse for care, there is a reason. TIt's not a psychiatric disorder of the patients, or the woman MD - it's an insurance 'thing.'

When MD/DOs apply to be reimbursed by medical insurances, the physicians are approved for certain care services, and not others. Like orthopedics can't deliver babies in Ohio, dermatologists can't do breast lumpectomies, and hip-and-knee orthopedics are not really supposed to do wrist fractures in metropolitan areas with a pile of Hand Certified orthopedics. They have to refer, or if they want to do wrist fractures - move to a rural area and do general orthopedics.

All physicians are supposed, and expected, to REFER - when the care is outside of their daily experiences and purview - by the MEDICAL INSURANCES, their respective hospitals & practices. Malpractice insurance does not cover for hip-and-knee orthopedics to be doing procedures that they don't do so many of per year - serious wrist fractures. Women MDs don't set these rules. But Dr. Timothy Nice is special, women MDs are supposed to get his wrist fracture disasters covered by BC/BS - when BC/BS refuses. How?

But taking a woman MDs medical license for this nonsense, when MDs are needed in other states, even if Obamacare is repealed, is a tragedy. Women MDs can't control the insurance company or their malpractice insurance stipulations. Women MDs have to be healthy, be able to function fully (both hands), and have appropriate and timely care for all illnesses and injuries - or their malpractice insurance gets canceled.

No one can make BC/BS pay for a care provider's services when that care provider is not certified in that field, or approved to do that care for serious fractures. Fractures occurring with out trauma, are PATHOLOGICAL fractures - in every State - it's not a situation where Ohio can change the definition of 'pathological fractures.' Malignancy, and other SERIOUS disorders, have to be ruled out by tertiary care experts - that's the flow chart on pathological fractures. It's not something that Dr. Phillip Resnick can say is psychiatric, or malingering. It's a national standard of care. So involving Dr. Resnick is something HE can't get paid for, is equally STUPID. That he would agree to any of this, is just not good judgment.

The Medical Board, under Richard Whitehouse Esq, can suspended the woman MDs license for 20 years - as Ohio has done in one case - and subject that woman MD to 7 psychiatric evaluations - and that won't make the Blue Cross or insurance carrier PAY or cover that ridiculous care. Dr. Nice wrist fracture care is not Dr. Lacey wrist fracture care; Dr. Lacey is certified in Hand Surgery (UH Cleveland). Even women MDs have to go where their insurance coverage pays, and where the certification is.

Dr. Nice care of wrist fractures did not get reimbursed in 1990-2. Dr. Keith care of 'experimental' fracture casting did not get reimbursed in 1990-2.20 psychiatric evaluations won't make wrist fracture care by orthopedics that DON'T DO WRIST FRACTURE CARE, or are not CERTIFIED in Hand Surgery, reimbursable. IT HAS TO DO WITH MONEY.

And it won't make the woman MD admit that she has bipolar, or any other psychiatric diagnosis, because she objected to wrong care by the wrong orthopedic. Hip-and-knee specialized orthopedics are supposed to do HIP-AND-KNEE in the Cleveland area. It's not a pill-mill thing. It just wastes everyone's time as Dr. Nice, and other hip-and-knee surgeons, do not stock the cast materials for wrist fractures - their staff does not know how to follow them, or what x-rays to order.

Discussing every date that the woman MD ever had in her life, wrecking her life, won't make her have a psychiatric disorder that she doesn't want wrist fracture care by Dr. Nice, Dr. Kieth, or any other orthopedic NOT trained and/or certified in HAND SURGERY.

Dr. Michael Keith (MetroHealth, Cleveland) wanted to do HAND TRANSPLANTS - that's what University Hospitals/MetroHealth hired him to do in 1990-2. Dr. Keith should have mainly done HAND TRANSPLANTS as that's what Blue Cross/Blue Shield had him on the records for; hand trauma - not wrist fractures with no fall. The State Medical Board of Ohio blaming the woman MD, who fired both orthopedics multiple times, is not ok.

The woman MD doesn't have the psychiatric disorder - the orthopedics do for trying care that they won't get reimbursed for, or are not doing regularly. Even private pilots have to do so many touch-and-goes/month to maintain pilot certifications. You have to fly to continue to fly, you have to do wrist fractures regularly to continue to do them. Except in Ohio apparently.

No amount of new right Ohio psychiatrists can undo a wrist fracture wrongly casted or console the patient who gets this SHAM CARE. Governor Kasich is only obsessed with pill-mill physicians, and not the general BAD CARE that goes on in Ohio.

It had to do with what the woman MDs insurance would pay for - in the basic gestalt of things. And medical insurance won't pay for Dr. Nice to cast a wrist fracture on the 5th day after it ripens to excrescence. They might have paid for a cast within 48 hours, but the 5th day sounds like fraud.

Medical insurance won't pay for Dr. Nice to then trim the cast, that was sloppy because he was on his way to a drinking party, while he has a hangover from the party, on the 6th day, and never see the fracture again. That isn't CARE recognized by any medical insurance carrier - even if the State Medical Board of Ohio wants to call this 'care.'

The Medical Board wants the woman MD to lie about what her insurance won't cover - care that didn't occur. That's not a reason to take a medical license, suspend a medical license, or order 7 psychiatric evaluations of the woman MD who has to work and can't have her fractures 'ripening.'

The woman md can sign not to sue, as she offered multiple times, but she can't say that she doesn't need care. Medical mistakes still need care, and the consultants need to know exactly what happened - not a pile of lies.

Governor Kasich needs to do something about the false suspensions of women MDs for objecting to wrong care by the wrong person - who the insurance company won't reimburse in a million years - and get back to improving basic medical care in Ohio. And you can't do that if you suspend every Internal Medicine Board Certified woman MD who objects to getting care by someone not able to do the care, ie Dr. Nice doing wrist fractures.

If the insurance won't reimburse, that physician is not on record to do that care or those procedures. Enough is enough with the psychiatric evaluations of women MDs to lie about this type of fraud, and the false medical license suspensions based on provisional whatever to cover it up.

Company: Governor John Kasich
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 77 South High Street, 30th Floor Riffe Center
Phone: 614466355561472836
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Governor John Kasich
Is going along with disciplining woman MDs who object to admittedly 'wrong' care of fractures - care which their BC/BS won't pay for as hip-knee orthopedics are trying to do wrist fractures - without

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board spends over $500,000 taking the license of a woman MD - for 20 years - for objecting to 'wrong' orthopedic care - care that Blue Cross/Blue Shield would not pay one cent for agreeing with the woman MD

Governor John Kasich
Allows State Medical Board to suspend women MD licenses for objecting to care by non-certified physicians, without blood work, physical therapy, or appropriate recovery time from complications of medi

Governor John Kasich
Will allow women MDs to die from unnecessary fractures rather than admit that the State Medical Board made a mistake taking medical licenses for 'making too much' of admittedly bad fracture care and n

Governor John Kasich
On JOBS - jobs mean women MD jobs so that they are not suspended because they have to report a bad care situation to the State Medical Board ie leaving wrist fractures to swell to excrescence, casting

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio can go after the handful of pill-mill physicians, but can't review cases of unjust suspensions for objecting to the wrong care by physicians that can't even collect insurance for that care

Governor John Kasich
Allows the State Medical Board to order non-indication off-label serial psychiatric 'goes' on woman MDs who disagree with admittedly bad care, to get re-licensed they order a 7th 'go' with Dr. Resnick

Governor John Kasich
Has continued the policy of making medical licensure be about the woman MDs agreement with Ohio medical care practices as relating to her own medical care ie that she go along with what the boys want

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio sitting on a 20-year case of a woman MD who objected to wrong orthopedic care, by physicians not Board Certified to do the care, and blood work described as 'normal' on a handwritten consult sheet but

Governor Ted Strickland and Anita Steinbergh DO
Governor Ted Strickland Keeps re-appointing/nominating the same corrupt Board Members for 5-year terms (Anita Steinbergh DO) who go after physician colleagues when they complain with 'confidential' complaints