Epione - Dr. Simon Ourian
Thousands of $ - ZERO results Internet

Health & Medicine

I purchased a package of four Cool Beam laser treatments for stretch marks, plus four treatments for spider veins. Not only I didn't see any improvements in both - the results were quite opposite.
The Cool Beam laser treatment was very scary. The doctor pretty much gives you a terrible controlled burn with blisters (which hurts like one with shreds of skin coming off in time). My skin looked awful, and I had discoloration for at least half a year afterwards. After all those layers of skin peeled off my stretch marks looked only whiter, deeper and overall more prominent. I had had very modest expectations because of the nature of the problem. The promise during their sales pitch was at least 70% improvement - I got ZERO (and worse).
The spider vein therapy consisted of two sessions of injections and two laser treatments. As a result, I still have the most miniscule spider veins that were supposed to disappear under the laser. The injections permanently bruised the area around the larger veins making them more visible. Plus, I developed additional purple star-shaped spider vein clusters on the injection spots.
Oh yes, in addition to the outraging pricing, I had to wait between 45 min and 1 hr 30 min at each appointment.
You can't get your money back as they make you sign the paperwork that relieves them from any liability (you know, like all the doctors do).

Company: Epione - Dr. Simon Ourian
Country: USA
Address: 444 North Camden Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Site: epione.com
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DermaCare, Laser & Skin Care Clinics
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Dr. Simon Ourian, Dr. Siamak Ourian
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