Center for Facial and Body Rejuvenation
Dr. Elbert Cheng and Dr. Jacqueline Cheng They are incompetent and only care about making money and the patient's welfare

Health & Medicine

My eyes were a little sagging and I just wanted a little rejuvenation. Both doctors Cheng (brother and sister team) suggested not only a full eyelid surgery but 3 other unrelated facial procedures which I did not even asked for. As said I was only seeking minimum least invasive rejuvenation so I look a little refreshed but not done over.

So of course I turned down the suggestions for the other unrelated procedures but decided to move forward with Blepharoplasty. During consultation I emphasized that I want to look natural and not done over. They suggested otherwise with high lids and for both eyes including one that I don't consider necessary. I trusted that they know what they are talking about professionally.

The surgery went fine w/o any complication. I am a very healthy person and keep my health in good order. I followed all pre, post op instructions to the T, but the healing process was far longer than they described. I'd say the surgery was a total failure. It did not deliver a refreshed look, it gave an overdone look. The right eye still has the sag, with the high eyelid, the tension seems to only exaggerate the sagging.

The left normal looking eye now has a higher eyelid than the right eye and look weird. I later got 2 other opinions, both confirmed that it is a procedure with the post op, I pointed out my dissatisfaction, Dr. Cheng admitted the unevenness in both eyes and suggested to wait first. After more than 5 months, he suggested to correct one eye. I since lost confidence in his medical skill and feared for worse result, and declined for re-operation (which I believe I'd have to pay too).

They have a nicely decorated office, nice staff, computer before and after imaging, pleasant bedside manners, but poor skills. Their credentials and ads look great, don't trust it too much! I have a feeling that they care too much to make money off the patients and not the patients' well being.

Company: Center for Facial and Body Rejuvenation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Saratoga
Address: 12945 Saratoga Avenue
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