Dr. Richard A. Weiss
Botched eyelid blepharoplasty. Used me as an experiment. Lied about his asian eye lid experience

Health & Medicine

Dr. Richard A. Weiss of Newport Beach is not a comestic surgeron anyone should use. I seen comestic surgery in the first place cuz I am born with an extra crease fold that is near the inner corners of my eye lids. I wanted to use eye liner on my eyes and wasn't able to because of this extra crease. I have a picture of me that clearly show the crease that I am talking about. I was not unhappy about my almond shaped asian eyes, just didn't like the extra crease on the inner corners of my eyes.

You need to see all those surgical scars he left on my eyelid creases and all over my eye area from 1992 when I was only 27 years old. You would think that he advertised honestly, but not. I am currently working on getting some photos of my blotched eyes for people to see. I am so glad that there are websites nowadays that allow patients to expose doctors for what they did without informed consense or detailed knowlege of what an inexperience doctor can do to your face.

At that time, this doctor told me he had worked on asian eyelids and he sounded really confident that he can do the job. It is a nightmare from then on... I believe he used my face to experiment on. I only realize it this year. Back in 1992, I read brochures from many doctor's office that stated eyelid surgery will leave a hairline scar not very noticeable on your eyelid creases. There was no internet in the early 90's for the general public to use or get information from.

So, I am not as lucky as some of you nowadays can get information off many websites and having websites like this to air the truth about bad doctors. I got many surgical scars from my eyelid crease to my hairline (so much more on my left eye than my right eye). He stitched me up so tight that I am left with winkle looking creases and surgical scars outside of my creases (you will need to see a picture of me, then you will see how bad it is. At a distance it looks like there is a map to the side of my eyes due to so much surgical scars).

My crease has bumps and lumps along with zig zag stitch marks. If you ladies sew, then you will understand better what I mean. (example: the skin around your eyes are very delicate just like silk fabric. If you snag it, it looks really bad and you won't want to wear that item anymore.

Anway in April, I notice my right eye brow is lower than my left eye brow cuz I started to use eyebrow pencil to put some colors into my brows, so I decided to plug out both of my brows. I wanted to pencil it in instead. I then realize both of my eye brows also have surgical scar that was covered by my eyebrow hair. So what the F*ck did this moron do to me? Why is there surgical marks there. According to all the information I found on the internet recently, stitches should only be on the eye crease fold. I have it all over the place.

Dr. Richard Slasher A. Weiss gave both of my eyes a different shape and size too!!! My eastern asian eyebrows should not be sagging at age of 44. I come from a family of many siblings and I am the second to the youngest. So if this is not a nightmare for you, then go and have him to do your eyelid surgery or any other type of surgery. Don't say I didn't warn you ahead of time. I am posting this cause I don't want anyone to live their life with all the noticeable surgical scars that I wear on my face each day. Have their been information that inform me that this kind of blotch job can happen, I wouldn't have got it done from him or anyone.

I also know that their will be a lot of fake comments posted not by patients to defend this Dr. Slasher's reputation. Wait until I can post pictures for you to see. Pictures speaks louder than any positive comments posted for this doctor. I believe in Karma and I know God or some higher power will make him pay one way or another...

Company: Dr. Richard A. Weiss
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
Address: 360 San Miguel Dr. Suite 403
Phone: 9497201400
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