Doctor Ken Taylo
Is playing it safe this time around!

Health & Medicine

Come on, now. You can't really find fault in Ken Taylor for shackin' up with Miss I'm-An-All-Important-Miami-Attorney, now can you? If you ever saw his his first wife, you'd know why he's changed the way he rolls. I think it's safe to say that good judgement alluded him the first time around. Teenaged, teeny-bopping bimbo! Hardly better than white trash! Ken Taylor pumped a fortune into that body just to make her presentable and what'd she do? Run off and leave him for an older, richer man! Ken's not trying to take advantage of anyone. He's just playing it safe this time around. Come on! Think about it. A rich Miami attorney, several years his senior. Who's she gonna leave him for? Besides, I'm sure the favors are mutual. A little free legal work in exchange for a "little" bit of somethin' else... If you are in need of a "personal" attorney, you can google Miss Primeau at I'm sure Ken Taylor can provide "references" too!

Company: Doctor Ken Taylo
Country: USA
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And The Slut Of The Year Award Goes To... Ken Taylor Of Ft. Lauderdale!
Ken taylor of ft. Lauderdale!

Dr. Kenneth W. Taylor MD of Broward Orthopedidic Specialties
Attorney Andrew Leinoff opens his bed to all, including Miami Attorney Andrew Leinoff

And The Slut Of The Year Award Goes To
Ken taylor of ft. Lauderdale!

Dr. Kenneth Warren Taylor, MD
Is NOT a nice man, beware of betrayal!

Gregorgy Taylor
KVAR kvar rip off

Truckers Justice Center
A.K.A. Paul o. Taylor and associates, ltd. Attorney Taylor helps trucking companies! Not truck drivers!

Dr. Ken Taylor
And his merry band of liars... Oops, I mean lawyers

Dr. Kenneth W. Taylor MD of Broward Institute of Orthopedic Specialists
Opens his bed to all, including Miami Attorney Andrew Leinoff

Dr. Kenneth W. Taylor and former mayor Mara Giulianti
Big advocates of political favors!

Dr. Kenneth Taylor and Broward Institute of Orthopedic Specialists
Ken Taylor NOT carrying malpractice insurance: Killer Hall Pass