Cuisine Sant
Cuisine Sant International swindled, ripped-off, unsympathetic, unfair, unjust, evil, heartless, thieves, bad

Health & Medicine

I'll keep this brief.

Basically, my parents went out to a demonstration by Cuisine Sant Int'l where they basically sat through a live infomercial. At the end of the presentation my folks pretty much got swindled into buying these WAY overpriced pots and pans along with some weird exercise machine. 3000$ later...

My parents got home that night, slept on it and decided it was a bad purchase, a pressured impulse buy if you will. Of course they made my parents sign contracts and so of course they refuse to take anything back.

Question: What kind of company sells products with a no return policy? Answer: A bad one.

RED FLAG: If a company makes you sign a contract for purchasing their product.

My parents are in their 60's and 70's. They have worked hard all their lives for what they have. They both live off a ridiculously small amount of money they get from CPP each month. It seems there is nothing they can do about it. They're screwed.

Shame on you Cuisine Sant Int'l for taking advantage of sweet, kind and amazing people like my parents. To anyone out there reading this, please protect your family and friends from bad people like this.

Company: Cuisine Sant
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: Ottawa
Address: 1250 Old Innes Rd suite 601
Phone: 6132889020
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