Revita Slim Weight loss pills

Health & Medicine

We ordered from the TV from one company, calling into a call center. Afterwards we received 3 times the shipment from 3 different companies, thinking we were only dealing with one company we called and cancelled, however the other two kept sending bottles at about $81 each. It wasn't until speaking to them today that i realized there were indeed 3 different companies charging my credit card.

I would like to know how they got my number. They must have given it to the other two. Contacting my credit card they have it on hold pending an investagation. Talking to the BurnRX rep. He stated that he had no idea about the other companies and how they got our credit card, but upon looking at the return address they all 3 had the same return address. Talk about a scam. I am 80 yrs old and pride my self on being savy but this was an out and out scam.

Company: BurnRX
Country: USA
Site: burnrxweightloss.com
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Burn RX
Scam - advertised a free trial for 14 days - $79.95 charged to my account - Only a recording when called customer service - finally reached someone and they refused to honor the trial period cancella

Consumer Report

All I am losing is money

Terms and conditions allow other companies to automatically charge credit card

Nutra lane
Eturned shipment

TracFone Wireless
Ripoff Fraudulently Charged my Credit Card

DazzleWhite - Comprehensive Weight Loss - Insider's Secret
Credit card scam, On-line business, Health product, Beauty product, Shipping & Handling, Website, Internet Scam

Momentum, 2 Day Slim Down
Unauthorized sending of 2-Day Slim Down product and charging my credit card

Complete Weight Loss Center - Woman's Ultra Slim - Instatrim
Complete Weightloss Center - Woman's Ultra Slim Computer Scam. Dishonest and Fraudulant ripoff

PELabs, USaveonPills.com
This company is a Rip-Off, Scam artist and Non-Customer Service oriented