Pro Lash 3 step kit
On the internet thier web site stated to try their product for 1 dollar so I signed up for my fiance to try it. Received a e-mail that if I didnt drop the product within fifteen days it would cost me

Health & Medicine

On the internet thier web site stated to try their product for 1 dollar so I signed up for my fiance to try it. Received a e-mail that if I didnt drop the product within fifteen days it would cost me 119.32 so i canceled and sent the product back and they charged me 119.32 anyway!

Company: Pro Lash 3 step kit
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Address: 301 grant street, suite 4300
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Pro Lash
They charged my bank account without my knowledge or permission and without full disclosure of their intent!

MBB Prolash
Huge hidden cost

Pro Lash 3 step kit
If it seems to good to be true, it probably is LASH RIPOFF

Pro Lash
Charged me $4.83 for mascara and 15 days later withdrew $119.32 from my account

Consumer Report

Free Trial Offer - Teeth Whitening Product

Teeth Whitening Product

Pro Lash
Consumer Report

Ivory White
This company sent me product I did not order and these underhanded theives stole from me

Charging my Visa, Never received any product!