Gateway healthplan
Gatway healthplan in pittsburgh pa hello i ork at gateway healthplan and i recieved a email from a upmc staff saying that he will pay me 10.000 if i give him all of a patients health imformation and i did not except but the lady who

Health & Medicine

Hi i am a worker at gateway healthplan main office in downtown pittsburgh pa and i know about what happend to a lady who is a member and a group of gateway health members gave her health imfo out to alot of people without the consumers permission and also gateway healthplan has endorced requests without patient knowing i saw it and they have a hidden chart with 19 pictures of that lady consumer being tortured inside a clinic while sedated and also inside the folder is 3 checks for 10.000 dollars each

The consumers son will probubly contact police if his mom dies and i am telling you to talk to gateway healthplan workers if something happens to that patient they are trying to cover up the fraud they payed for twice and they realized that 47.000 dollars was paid out twice for a hysterectomy the patient had the hysterectomy on the 4th of aug and was billed 47.

Company: Gateway healthplan
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Address: 600 grant street us steel tower floor 41
Phone: 4122554640
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Gateway healthplan
Provider and hippa privacy through gateway gateway healthplan and hippa together let a patients medical information out to public in dec in the result of that the patient whom is now 47 years old could be in dange

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