Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Inc. Fraud, offer free supply need cc for ship/handling. Now you have signed up for managed care direct. Sly ripoff way to get your card number. Cincinnati Ohio

Health & Medicine

I saw the free offer on television for Altovis. Altovis is supposed to combat fatigue. I made the call to order the twenty eight day free package to try the product out.

I was told that my credit card would be billed for shipping and handling. If I was not satisfied with the product all I need do was either call or go on the web site to cancel. At know time was I informed that I was signing up for some program that automatically sent out product.

If they had said this I would never have taken the free offer. I tried the product and was not impressed. My husband and I waited the full twenty eight days to see if there was a difference. On May 21st I cancelled via the internet web site. Then another package arrived. I was going to send it back as I assumed my cancellation and their shipment crossed.

Then apon getting my credit card statement I was shocked to see they had billed me $70.00. The little flyer in the free product states, Enclosed is your automatic bi-monthly shipment of Altovis. This shipment was sent to you as a member of Managed Care Direct. It goes on to explain you will be charged if they don't hear from you prior to 5 days before shipment is sent.

What they don't say is in the beginning you just signed up without your approval for a membership that is outrageous. This is consumer fraud. I called their phone number and demanded they credit back the $70.00. Company would only credit back $35.00. They see nothing wrong with their tactics to bait you with a free offer, hook you, and take you to the cleaners for $70.00. An ethical Company would tell you up front about such a membership.

Redding, California

Company: Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Country: USA
Phone: 8668341715
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Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, Inc., Managed Care Direct
Managed Card Direct Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, Inc. Charged my credit card without my permission and would not refund my money when I shipped the parcel back to them

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Altovis - Avlimil - Enzyte
Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals (Altovis, Avlimil, Enzyte etc.) rip-offs!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Wagner Nutraceuticals
Ipoff misleading advertising, 30 day free trail turned out to be unauthorized enrollment of con't orders and charges to my bank! Cincinnati

Wagner Nutraceuticals - Berkeley Nutraceuticals - Altovis
Ripoff unauthorized billing of charge card, refuses to credit card for amount billed. Ripoff

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff, do not order altovis product

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff offered free sample, then deceptively entered me as "Managed Care Member"

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - ALTOVIS -ENZYTE - AVLIMIL - OGOPLEX - ROGISEN -ROVICID
Berkeley Premimun Nutraceuticals, Altovis, Enzyte, AVLIMIL, OGOPLEX, ROGISEN, ROVICID rip-off!

Altovis-Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Is misleading and dishonest. Rip-off!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Inc ripoff - thieves! They stole my money and they'll steal yours too!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff fraudulent unauthorized credit card charge of $70