Altovis-Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Is misleading and dishonest. Rip-off!

Health & Medicine

I saw the commercial on TV and it advertised "FREE 28 day supply". I ordered on-line giving my credit card information requested for the shipping and handling fee.

Promptly 22 days later, I recieved two 28 day supplies of the product. I was puzzled as I had no recollection of signing up for any further deliveries.

I immediately went on line to cancel and there was no place on the site that I could find to do this. Back and forth through all the windows to no avail. I finally called customer service.

She cancelled further shipment and stated I had signed up for the auto delivery when I asked for the free sample. She also stated that although I would not receive any more altovis, I was obligated to pay for the shipment already sent!

Average wait time is greater than 6 minutes and I finally hung up after 10.

Company: Altovis-Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Address: PO Box 42635
Phone: 8668341715
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