Governor John Kasich
Allows that women MDs get their medical licenses taken for 'confidential' colleague (or could be Governor) complaints after noticing medical mistakes and saying to refer, no leadership on medical mist

Health & Medicine

In Ohio women physicians are getting their licenses, and hospital privileges, suspended when they won't 'change their stories' - because the patient, which could be herself, just needs a referral & consultation with the local expert to turn the care mistakes around - not a pile of lies and a 'campaign' to destroy her career. Dr. Nice doesn't put a cast on a fracture for two weeks, and the women MD has to lose her medical license and privileges at Hillcrest, until she won't say anything about the mistakes (per Anita Steinbergh DO as Anita doesn't want to hear it = Current Member of Ohio State Medical Board). Dr. Nice mistakes happen every day as he parties too much, and his name could be a synonym for medical mistakes in Ohio = the Dr. Nice practice. Nothing changes, as to Dr. Nice standards, when he gets a colleague's license suspended for trying to say 'No' to him, or ask him to refer.

There is a whole male subset of physicians in Ohio who don't have to REFER, CONSULT, or SEND RECORDS - they are protected by the State Medical Board - and they cause a lot of mistakes, delays in diagnosis, and missed care opportunities = the Dr. Nice physicians. Bad physicians only create more of a mess for everyone else - when they lie, the next physician has to spend two weeks getting the story straight. Governor Kasich has continued to allow this privileged group of Dr. Nice physicians to control the State Medical Board - where everything is 'confidential' - and making medical problems 'confidential' does not benefit anyone. First, you can't find the problem is.

Losing good MDs at hospitals in Ohio, does not make the boys party less, make them better clinicians, or get them to tell the truth. And to make the correct diagnosis, physicians need the truth, the lab work, the what happened without the embellishments of - but Dr. Nice was out playing polo. And Dr. Nice will get any complaints against his license, so that he can counter-complaint AGAINST STATE LAW - he's protected by the State Medical Board under every Governor since Celeste. So he counter-complains and the patients don't get treated - because it's a cat-fight of colleagues - which the Ohio Court of Appeals tried to stop in 1993.

The State Medical Board of Ohio breaks Ohio law for 'friends, ' and Governor Kasich looks the other way. The Governor allows male 'friends' to get any complaint about their care at the State Medical Board - and there's no way to fight a 'confidential' complaint that can be continually perpetually changed. The Ohio legislators laugh at how the Medical Board cheats on cases and changes the 'confidential' complaint, it's a joke except for the physicians that take their careers and profession seriously - and their patients.

With medicine changing drastically, as to out-patient procedures and care, mistakes are even more common than they used to be - making the need for medical mistake provisions urgent and critical in Ohio. And the Governor is just clueless and leaderless on this point - preferring to cite his records in bringing jobs to Ohio.

Jobs with women employees should stay away until women's medical care improves in Ohio, as mistakes have a way of happening more on women patients than on men. Women's medical care is more complicated because of the life cycle changes - and the men don't get it even after medical training. As Suzanne Somer's puts it - something like - they have 3 hours of endocrine, and want to manage my hormones - which is pretty close to the mark on male MD ignorance. Women, more commonly, are then labeled as 'crazy, ' or 'unlucky, ' or that they 'don't deserve care' because they are asking the 'right' questions. A guy thinks twice before calling another guy 'crazy' for some reason?

Mistakes happen in Boston - at all the best hospitals - all the time, but as a recent CPC (Clinical Pathological Conference) in the New England Journal cites, they get handled and the resident does not lose her residency because she wouldn't 'change her story.' Case 34 A 65-Year-Old Woman with an Incorrect Operation on the Left Hand, David C. Ring, M.D., Ph. D., James H. Herndon, M.D., m.B.A., and Gregg S. Meyer, M.D. N Engl J Med 2010; 363:1950-1957 November Ohio if a woman MD doesn't not change her story at Hillcrest Hospital, the Staff Chief threatens and then suspends her. And this is pooh-poohed that Medical Board Members are not responsible for the tactics in handling medical mistakes; from threats, to suspensions, to years of lost treatment time.

The way of teaching in Medical Schools since the late 1970s has been for physicians to disclose errors, and deal with the facts and the options in a forthright manner to patients - not to allow Dr. Nice to get away with not casting a fracture for two more weeks, and not treating the bone condition for 19 years.

Physicians, and Medical Board Members, need to disclose errors and mistakes to promote awareness of the problems and procedural processes for dealing with them. This disclosure does not trigger more malpractice suits, or Medical Board suits, from the current stats.

Except in Ohio, hospitals and other healthcare organizations are using quality-improvement tools to improve disclosure and referral processes - and the physician does not have to accept blame. But just say that the care resulted in an 'unanticipated' result which needs to be dealt with. This happens with Medical Board license decisions as well as patient care decisions - there are mistakes from past Boards that the current Medical Board needs to deal with.

Finally disclosure and compensation goes hand-in-hand, and this stops the years of litigation. And many times the only compensation that the patient wants is a timely referral to undo the mistakes as much as possible, to treat the cancer that was missed, to treat the bone problem that was misassessed. Many lifetimes are involved in litigation, and the best option is to be able to go-around it.

Boston MDs not only talk about the mistakes - without having to get psychotherapy - or order the woman resident to therapy - but they publish how they are handling the mistakes - unlike in Ohio where the woman MD is analyzed five times that the Medical Board doesn't want to hear about it. Mistakes are a fact of life in medicine today, and they occur on physicians as well as normal patients, and they have to be handled and not lied about.

The lies only make the straightening out of things worse, and crucial time is lost in trying to decipher the lies. The 'wall of silence' about the complications that occur when physicians goof has to be a wall that comes down; so that women MDs don't lose their licenses and hospital privileges when it happens and they won't lie or not talk about it.

Dr. Nice didn't stop making mistakes in 1990-2, he's made many since - and he hasn't learned to stop making them as the State Medical Board covers up for him and publishes the names of the patients who refuse to go back to him - making fun of their judgments and fears.

'Confidential' complaints at the State Medical Board of Ohio are being misused by colleagues and hospitals to get out of bad care, bad practices, adverse patient outcomes and to waste taxpayer money. If Governor Kasich complained about certain 'pill-mill MDs, ' then his NAME should be on the complaint - so that the physician can dialogue with him about the problems.

The pill-mill physicians are just the only ones dealing with the chronic pain problem from bad surgeries, orthopedics, etc in Ohio - the bad care problems. The pill-mill physicians did not make the chronic pain problem - that came from bad MDs who did not have to refer their mistakes.

Governor Kasich needs to address the problem of 'confidential' complaints, medical mistakes, and false licensure suspensions & disciplines at the State Medical Board of Ohio. All physician complaints should have names attached, and be transparent to the parties involved in the complaint - so that the problem can be solved, and witnesses, and information shared to improve the mistakes and bad outcomes in a non-punitive way - before 19 years as in one case. Many mistakes are non-intentional, but the lying about it is intentional - the delays and lies should be punished as 'bad practice.'

The following is taken from the CPC: 'Although the disclosure of deficient practice has been a part of the American Medical Association's code of medical ethics for more than 50 years, it had been interpreted as the need to report such events to hospital and professional organizations. More recent experience has shown the value of direct disclosure to patients and their families in terms of salvaging trust, decreasing the likelihood of litigation, and facilitating the healing of both the patient and the provider.'

Governor Kasich, and Mr. Whitehouse, need to read the New England Journal of Medicine. It's not the patient's fault that they need to know what happened and need to be informed of the options, and it is not a personality disorder of the patient that the negligences or mistakes occurred - they didn't make Dr. Nice do it by being 'seductive.' Anita Steinbergh DO needs to allow a 'discussion' of the Dr. Nice and other orthopedic errors at the Ohio State Medical Board - a discussion of how to improve the problem - not punish the messenger - a woman MD. No one wants to notice problems or mistakes, but in medicine they are not things to lie about.

Company: Governor John Kasich
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 77 South High Street, Riffe Center 30th Floor
Phone: 6144663555
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Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board suspending the medical licenses of women MDs for objecting to the wrong care to themselves - admittedly wrong care done by physicians not certified - with no patient complaints

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio like in Texas, needs to review all physician medical license suspensions with anonymous 'confidential' colleague complaints - where the physician had no patient complaints - huge stack of false cases Internet

Governor John Kasich
On JOBS - jobs mean women MD jobs so that they are not suspended because they have to report a bad care situation to the State Medical Board ie leaving wrist fractures to swell to excrescence, casting

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board allowed to take the licenses of women MDs who object to admittedly bad medical care with 'confidential' complaints signed by the physicians providing the bad care - no restriction

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio can go after the handful of pill-mill physicians, but can't review cases of unjust suspensions for objecting to the wrong care by physicians that can't even collect insurance for that care

Governor John Kasich
Will allow women MDs to die from unnecessary fractures rather than admit that the State Medical Board made a mistake taking medical licenses for 'making too much' of admittedly bad fracture care and n

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio allows false physician discipline cases based on unreliable physician testimony, 'confidential' colleague complaints and improprely processed 'normal' lab work to continue despite that Romney would ne

Governor John Kasich Ohio
Kimberly Anderson take medical licenses for 20 year for objecting to admittedly bad care, release confidential complaints against state law, allow the Medical Board to cheat on cases to invent diagnoses for physicians

Governor John Kasich
Richard Whitehouse Esq continuing to allow the confidential physician complaint system to operate without due process, evidence, or any 'checks' so that physicians lose medical licenses for colleague complaints about care d

Governor John Kasich
Richard Whitehouse Esq take licenses of physicians for being victims of admittedly bad or wrong care, without allowing even blood work or consultation - for stats, to allow the statute of limitations to expire, and to kill