Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio are allowing a woman MD to die of lack of treatment of bone condition due to a missed thyroid problem (the most common thyroid problem there is) to get the State Medical Board out of liability for not

Health & Medicine

In Ohio women MDs get their medical licenses suspended indefinitely (decades) for objecting to the wrong medical care done to themselves in a state where Neanderthal women's medical care is the rule - leaving fractures uncasted until they are swollen to bloody 'excrescence' (to get a surgical procedure). The State Medical Board of Ohio President is a Podiatrist ('P' for Pres) - who thinks only of women having feet, not a neuron or a thyroid gland - they don't learn about those in Ohio Podiatry Schools.

No blood work needed for women MDs is the mantra at the Ohio State Medical Board since the days of Tom Dilling as Executive Director. Mr. Dilling (1999) could make any case into something that it wasn't for stats, and would call MDs threatening what would 'happen' if they didn't admit what he wanted them to admit - and Governor Taft let this go on for years. The writer got some of those calls; the State Medical Board of Ohio threatens lawyers, physicians and witnesses with what can, and will, happen with their professional licenses or lives - on the phone in daytime hours & rates.

Even Lance Talmadge MD never allows a woman MD blood work before taking her medical license - even when she has classic symptoms of thyroiditis - which he can't recognize (doesn't know her, so can't see that her neck is swollen, and all he wants is for her to talk to forensic psychiatrist Dr. Resnick who hasn't examined a thyroid gland since medical school 50 years ago). Thyroiditis is as common as corruption in Ohio - only the Members of the State Medical Board don't know the labs to order (T4 is not the answer), yet they know how to do a kangaroo court of Hearings at huge taxpayer costs avoiding the issues. There's no accounting at the State Medical Board of Ohio - and it's not about patient care - it's about payback to colleagues that irk you.

In Gail Devers went to Congress (US: Washington, DC) to complain about the medical mistakes in thyroid diagnosis in the US (done to black women, but white women were supposed to be included) - medical mistakes that nearly cost her her feet being amputated and she was an Olympic runner. However, they still allow the same mistake done on Gail Devers to be done on white women MDs in Ohio - the same labs are allowed 'missing' to get unnecessary procedures.

Thyroid problems left untreated can lead to metabolic fractures and thyroid cancer - but the State Medical Board of Ohio & Governor Kasich don't care. Ohio has no medical mistake laws - so any mistake goes. If Governor Kasich kills a woman MD - he'll just threaten someone like he does for traffic tickets. He wants to run for President like Donald Trump.

Due process, transparency, and reforms are needed, and long overdue at the State Medical Board of Ohio - every Speaker of the Ohio House has known this since at least 2003 (Speaker Larry Householder). This isn't helping patient care, ie killing any woman physician who knows her medicine for 'hunger games' sport - not allowing her proper medical treatments for the most common of problems. Carla O'Day MD couldn't pass the tests that this woman can pass, Dr. Anita Steinbergh couldn't get into Medical School so she chose Osteopathic training - both somehow got on the State Medical Board of Ohio to judge their competition.

So kill the woman MDs with the wrong diagnosis, emotionally damage them with unending goes. The State Medical Board of Ohio was told in 1995 by the US expert on personality disorders (NYC: Columbia-Presbyterian guy who writes the DSM), that this woman MD needed a personality, and to stop the psychiatric evaluations as they would eventually emotionally damage her so much that nothing could be done to bring her back to function.

You can't do unending psychiatric 'goes' on a normal person for political reasons, the Communists, Hitler, etc., tried this - and the dissidents, if they survived, spent the rest of their lives getting better. One Ohio psychiatrist, who was ordered to evaluate the woman MD at Ohio taxpayer expense, was trained in Russian psychiatric 'experimental' techniques apparently - of how to 'go' after political dissidents with unending psychiatric evaluations and inappropriately prescribed meds - that training is a plus in Ohio - guarantees you a medical license.

Anonymous confidential complaints are only as good as the good-faith of the signers - which can never be ascertained in Ohio - so the cases go after the woman physician's whole life and dating history - because she didn't date Dr. Nice or play along. The real issues are not on the 'confidential' complaint form. Women especially are targets of anonymous physician complaints - not going along or not being a team player is a cause for Board ordered psychiatric evaluation in Ohio - that you have a personality that says 'No.' And that used to be a 'good' thing.

'Making too much' of one's own lack of medical care is a reason to take a medical license in Ohio for women MDs. And if you complain, the complaint is never investigated, but is given - against state law - to the hospital where you work so that your colleagues can counter-complain. Any state law can be broken in procedural process at the State Medical Board of Ohio, and nothing is ever done about it - the Members can break as many laws as they want.'Making too much' should not be happening; bad care that you have to report should not be going on in Ohio. It is 2011.

Governor Kasich goes along so as to not pay damages (the State of Ohio is broke) for the stack of careers that the Ohio State Medical Board has destroyed; there is never any Peer Review at the State Medical Board of Ohio.investigating Carla O'Day MD in 2006 went nowhere.

No one knows what goes on at the State Medical Board - except that the Ohio legislators know that the Board cheats and laugh about it. It is the most fraudulent Board in the entire US - by design, intent, and lack of oversight. There isn't any case that the Ohio State Medical Board can't 'fix' in the name of patient care - even if it means not allowing women MDs any patient care. You can abort babies in Ohio, so you can abort woman MDs, and the more painful the death (no pain pills or reductions allowed for fractures), the better. Dr. Talmadge is just doing another 'experiment' on euthanasia.

And if the State Medical Board of Ohio can't find a case after 19 years, as the Medical Board has no review or dismissal process - unlike every other state - the Medical Board just allows that woman will die of lack of care, a decent job, or any justice. Mr. Whitehouse, who can update his social network sites regularly, can't answer his cell phone (the record so far is 5.5 years like Clarence Thomas).

MD colleagues are encouraged not to treat her, or help her, until she admits whatever it is that the Board wants her to admit that she has (even a diagnosis that doesn't exist was proposed as a diagnosis for her to get treated for - which her expert stopped in 1996 as they can't do this in NYC). The Medical Board's website is a garbage bin of falsifications, exaggerations, innuendo, and nonsense - a waste of Ohio taxpayer monies.

None of the bone experts at the Cleveland Clinic (Dr. Angelo Licata, Dr. Chad Deal, or Dr. Abby Abelson) can find any bone medication to treat her, labs are only infrequently ordered, ie a handful of vitamin D, TSHs, and no bone markers in 5 years - this is from the people that invented bone markers, chair the National Osteoporosis Foundation, and collect 6-figures yearly in drug company payments. Perhaps one of these drug companies could find some complimentary bone medication for this woman MD - so that she doesn't keep fracturing? Just let Dr. Licata know, he can't find an appointment.

This woman MD's bone situation is the most untreated case at Cleveland Clinic - she fractures and gets a 30-year old splint with 2 weeks of pain meds (lest the orthpedic be labeled a 'pill mill' MD). The orthopedic agrees she has a serious bone problem and needs some help. But 'the help' is nowhere to be found.

Dr. Chad Deal told her he would write that she had whatever the State Medical Board of Ohio wanted her to have - no exams or labs needed - his career was more important than any patient care. Dr. Abby Abelson will not intervene as Carla O'Day MD - the Board Member that expedited and made the case against a CWRU classmate - has to be 'right' even though she is so stupid that she could never finish a residency and had to threaten the Deans at CWRU to get through - she knew the Governor. Carla O'Day MD never had to study in Medical School; if she didn't get Honors, the CWRU Medical School would not get the Celeste Research Building. Dr. Abby Abelson can't make her own decisions.

CWRU is the only Medical School that specializes in turning out MDs that will destroy their own classmates - and not with correct information - but with fabricated lies of the kind that have a grain of truth - and they can't help a classmate with a thyroiditis or a fracture. It's a Medical School that trains monsters.

Dr. O'Day knew this woman, but barely spoke with her, and she never 'hung' with O'Day who specialized in getting OUT of class, rather than going to it. CWRU has medical students that barely attended classes, but manage to graduate - no attendance is required to this day. This woman MD was definitely more stable than Dr. O'Day back in the days of Dr. O'Day's divorce - the whole state knew of Dr. O'Day's divorce, where the records had to be sealed, and she had to start a support group for herself and Mrs. Celeste. If we are going back 19 years to find a case at the State Medical Board of Ohio, why not 40?

Dr. O'Day's medical license was never threatened even though she did some very crazy things, and made serious patient care gaffes, during the days of her divorce - and her divorce was very bad behavior for any professional to emulate - as was her behavior in Medical School. She was the original Demi Moore, flirting in the halls with students a decade or more younger - never giving advice or encouragement, just being Carla.

Carla O'Day (then Streepy) was competition for other women for male dates - and we never saw her husband unlike most married student's spouses. Anonymous physician complaints should not be coming from former Medical School classmates who know too much personal, or pretend to. And they should not be coming from physician's who have not signed-off a physician's orthopedic care - who are still responsible for the complications that they caused - and who don't want to take care of the mess that they caused = sort of a conflict-of-interst?

'Confidential' physician complaints in Ohio means that women physicians have their licenses suspended for 'confidential' unless they will admit what the Medical Board wants them to admit - the cases are total fraud, and don't involve patient care, ie the woman physician is supposed to have Alzheimer's disease when the Mensa Society wants her dues for testing an IQ 150. [No one ever knows what the confidential complaint is by-the-way, during the proceedings, and this 'confidential' is frequently changed and morphed to find a case as the testimony goes on.] The Board uses case Hearings to find a case; they don't have to have a valid case to suspend a medical license in Ohio.

Neither Governor Kasich, nor any Members of the State Medical Board, test in the 150 IQ range = the problem in Ohio = legalized stupidity. Ohio is a state by the stupid, for the stupid, like in the story Country of the Blind by HG Wells (which Governor Kasich hasn't bothered to read as he's waiting for Ohioans to 'figure' him out. Governor Kasich doesn't read, but he doesn't have to read a 'confidential' complaint - that's why they are 'confidential' - no one has to read anything, and it can be changed. Does it really exist is the question after 19 years?

New laws in other states (Texas) ban anonymous physician complaints, but not so in Ohio where it is a legalized witch hunt - if you don't sleep with Dr. Nice then you are just 'paranoid, ' and have to get 6 psychiatric evaluations that you aren't enamoured with your orthopedic - who doesn't know how to cast wrist fractures and can't refer. And no one bothers to ask when his last STD testing was - is he a HPV carrier like many men in NE Ohio who give their wives cervical cancer as a Christmas present? Someone's spreading that disease around.

Dr. Nice has to have an example for all the state to know that if you don't please him as a medical professional, you will lose your medical/nursing license. His wife isn't to be felt sorry for, as she goes along with the PR in getting the licenses suspended; she can place any nameless stringer article in the Sun Press, or contact the airlines that you are on drugs - for awhile she had travel agency software.

Carla O'Day MD can drag you into Rocky River Municipal Court on spurious charges, just phoning her is a crime in Ohio - she needs to be in the gym toning her body, and she won't show in court just expect the staff at RRMC to lie for her despite the phone Texas, the woman Medical Board President was having her husband 'complain' anonymously about her MD competition - until some of the 'confidential' became 'unconfidential' - was tracked to the source. It is little better in Ohio, Dr. O'Day used the State Medical Board to go after her former classmates.

Ohio needs to have transparency and reforms at the State Medical Board of Ohio before the aforementioned woman MD dies of the bone complications of untreated thyroiditis - a diagnosis that required a thyroid panel in 1992 with some snythroid - she only got those tests done in 1992, in Washington DC, at Georgetown Medical Center after another fracture - and they could not believe the 'miss.' Cleveland Clinic medicine is only for those women who don't have thyroid disease or an MD. Even Governor Kasich can do better - but he needs a brain - someone please call the Wizard of Oz.

Company: Governor John Kasich
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 77 South High Street, Riffe Center 30th Floor
Phone: 6144663555
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Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio like in Texas, needs to review all physician medical license suspensions with anonymous 'confidential' colleague complaints - where the physician had no patient complaints - huge stack of false cases Internet

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio False physician disciplines are ruining Ohio, physicians can't get medical care when they are a case, one woman MD is truly ill after 19 years of withheld care - she complained about her own medical c

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board suspending the medical licenses of women MDs for objecting to the wrong care to themselves - admittedly wrong care done by physicians not certified - with no patient complaints

Governor John Kasich Ohio
Kimberly Anderson take medical licenses for 20 year for objecting to admittedly bad care, release confidential complaints against state law, allow the Medical Board to cheat on cases to invent diagnoses for physicians

Governor John Kasich
On JOBS - jobs mean women MD jobs so that they are not suspended because they have to report a bad care situation to the State Medical Board ie leaving wrist fractures to swell to excrescence, casting

Governor John Kasich
Will allow women MDs to die from unnecessary fractures rather than admit that the State Medical Board made a mistake taking medical licenses for 'making too much' of admittedly bad fracture care and n

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board allowed to take the licenses of women MDs who object to admittedly bad medical care with 'confidential' complaints signed by the physicians providing the bad care - no restriction

Governor John Kasich
Is going along with disciplining woman MDs who object to admittedly 'wrong' care of fractures - care which their BC/BS won't pay for as hip-knee orthopedics are trying to do wrist fractures - without

Governor John Kasich - Ohio
Continues to refuse that a woman MD get treated for a known serious bone condition because the State Medical Board refuses to admit that they made a mistake taking her medical license for 'exaggeratin

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio sitting on a 20-year case of a woman MD who objected to wrong orthopedic care, by physicians not Board Certified to do the care, and blood work described as 'normal' on a handwritten consult sheet but